1-My Sunshine-(Angst)

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It was supposed to be a simple mission. Get in, kill the boss, get out. That was it, nothing more, nothing less. However, in this way of life nothing ever goes one hundred percent as planned. That was the case here. I remember every little detail so vividly. It was me, Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst, and my beloved Peridot. We walked here to cause less noice in the surrounding area, taking as many back alleys possible. We all spilt up, Pearl and Amethyst, Peridot and I, and Garnet went by herself. The end goal was to meet up twenty yards away from the entrence of the damned Diamond HQ. The whole time we walked I clutched Peridots hand. She seemed more timid about this mission then any other one we've ever done. I convinced her everything was going to be okay, I was wrong. I told her it was going to be simple, I was wrong. I promised her we would go home and cuddle, a promise I never got to fulfill. I kissed her sweetly and told her I loved her, that was the truth. We had to find a way in, the second floor window. Lucky there was several objects for us to climb onto. First a car, then up a storage container, and then run and jump on the ledge of the window, crawling trough. First was Garnet, then Amethyst, Peridot, Pearl, and then me. Once we all had gotten in through the window, we all had our guns ready. Simple pistols, for a simple mission. We trailed down the hallway and down a set of stairs, I should've payed more attention. I should've been suspicious by how quiet the area was. Maybe then I would have saw them before I heard the shot. I whipped around to see Pearl on the floor, thirteen surrounded us. Then just as sudden as they appeared, they started shooting. We were not only out maned, but out gunned as well. Four 9mm pistols VS thirteen Thompson submachine guns. We all hit the ground, hiding behind something. Shots fired wildly around us, the sound busting my eardrums. We were already down one. We couldn't afford to lose more, Garnet knew this. However, we couldn't leave at the moment, shots fired around us. The sound getting louder with each shot as it seemed, screams echoed through out the building.
I snapped my head around from, looking for the short blonde. My heart stopped for a moment before I found her, back pushed against a wall. I took a small sigh of relief, knowing she was okay. Something I'd hate myself for later. Suddenly most of the shooting stopped, shouts rung out. Some retreated while other stayed, reloading. This was probably the best chance we would get. Garnet shouted over the few shots still ringing. She told us to run. I didn't hesitate, I bolted. Even though I hated retreating myself, I had no choice. Once we started running, so did the other side, shouting victory chants as the did. However, one continued shooting. When I looked back over my shoulder it was her.
I legs stopped as I started at her. No... this couldn't be... she was killed. No. No. No. The other had already escaped. Expect for Peridot. I heard Peridot yelling my name, telling me to run, but I couldn't. My legs forbid my demands, my breath hitched. She saw me. No... She smirked at me, pointing her- no. Pearls gun at me. My own teammates gun at me. She was going to kill me with PEARLS gun. No words were exchanged. Just her dark, cold, ugly gaze meeting my terrified state. Time slowed and I felt a lump gather in my throat. In what seemed like slow motion she pulled the trigger, I braced myself for the impact of the bullet entering my chest. However, I was meet by the impact of the floor and another gun shot. Time went back to normal, speeding back up to its normal speed. Jasper was on the ground, a hole in between her eyes. Who shot her...? I quickly stood back up, and then heard a thump. I whipped around and was meant with a sight I never wanted to see.
Clutching her chest, bleeding profusely. No!
I dropped to the ground, pulling off my jacket. Moving her hand and pushing the clothing item against her chest, trying desperately to stop the bleeding. I tired. So hard. I should've called for help, hopefully one of the other Would have heard me. But it was impossible to scream, I could only whisper. I pulled Peridot into my lap and saw her smile weakly at me, tears began to dramatically fall down my face. She told me to leave. I refused. She whispered reassuring words to me. I believed. She said everything would be okay. I believed.
I clutched her body closer to my own. I was hard to to look at her. Tears fell down my face and onto her. Peridot smiled and weakly squeezed my hand.
There was only one thing I could do.
So that's what I did, just to see Peridot smile.
I wanted her to be happy in her final moments. Even though I couldn't bare it, she was slowly dying, bleeding to death in my arms.
I stared to sing, soft, trying to keep myself under control just for the moment.

"You are my sunshine." I squeezed Peridots hand.
"My only sunshine." I pulled her body even closer to mine, feeling her slow shallow breaths against my neck.
"You make me happy, when skies are gray." Memories flooded back, every kiss, every date, every inside joke, every smile, every late night drives, everything, every moment spent with her.
"You'll never know dear, how much I love you..." I squeezed her hand again, burying my head into her chest.
"Please don't take... my sunshine away." And just like that, she was gone. Her weak grip on my hand was gone, she fell limp. The warmth I once loved and cherished slowly faded away. That's when I let everything out. I cried, cradling her dead body in my arms. I looked up to her face. Seeing a small smile, peaceful. I stood up, carrying her bridal side. I walked. It was now impossible for me to cry any longer. I couldn't speak. So I walked. Out the doors. The cold, and limp body my my lover. I looked up, and there it was.

The sun was setting.


Much love ❤️

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