7-First words-(fluff)

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  Well, my girlfriend is someone you don't meet everyday. She's different in many ways. You can tell she views the world from a different angle then most other's. I adore her smile, her eyes, her freckles, everything. People ask me how I can love her so much. They say actions speak louder then words. And those people are right. I suppose I should explain. My girlfriend (future wife but shhh), Peridot Ridgeway. Is mute. She was born with damaged vocal cords, therefore, she is unable to speak. But, she's one of the few people who don't need words. Maybe it's because she's lived with it, but her eyes tell a story that she can not speak. Sometimes I will sit and wonder what her voice would sound like. I know she thinks the same thing sometimes. People will ask how we communicate. It's pretty simple actually. I'll talk and Peridot will ether write down her words or she'll use sign language. Peridot, is honestly the only reason I learned sign language. Though there are some downsides to Peridots condition, it's harder for her to have conversations with people since not everyone understands signs language. Nor does everyone carry paper and pencil on them at all times. When ever she goes out in public Peridot has to wear a special necklace to tell people she is mute Incase something were to happen. People will treat Peridot like a child because of her condition. However, my least favorite is the people who find her condition 'Funny' once they find out they tease her, calling her names, along with copying her emotions and movements. This will cause Peridot to, of course, get extremely upset. Then it's takes time for me to help get her spirits back up again. But I think it's the small things she'll do that tug at my heartstrings the most. If I'm not paying attention she'll gently tug on my shirt or squeeze my hand. Her hand movements when she uses sign language captivates me and draws me in. The speed she writes on paper but still manages to have the beautiful handwriting amazes me. I love how she expresses her feelings and emotions without words. She doesn't need words. She's the same as everybody else in the world. Her hair is always soft and calms my anxiety when I play with it. Her smile lights up the rooms around me. And then there is her right now. Asleep. Peaceful, a warm smile on her face told me she couldn't be happier. However, I will still try. She also had "mood colors" this tells the mood she's in when writing.
Blue equals sadness
Red is anger
Green means she is excited or happy
Black is just normal conversation
Purple is boredom
When I say "I love you." She'll kiss my nose sometimes my forehead. It's her way of saying it back to me. While yes there is a surgery possible to make to where Peridot could talk. Sadly, she couldn't get it. Growing up on the poor side she never had much. The included money, so her family never had enough money to get her the surgery. And that's why I have a job, along with Garnet, Pearl, and even Amethyst. Without Peridots knowledge we all been raising money to get peridot this surgery. I know she wants it. We had conversations about it. At the moment the surgery cost 8 grand, excluding hospital bills, which would bring it up to around 10 grand. I'm a waiter, Garnet is a cashier at the Big Donut along with Amethyst, and Pearl is a cashier at Walmart. Sure that's not mush but it's all we could get at the time. So far we have saved up 3 grand.

I promise you, Peridot Ridgeway, you will have a voice.

It took us a little over a year to gain all the money. We were all excited, but nothing beat Peridots excitement. We waited in the waiting room of the hospital, nervous, excited, and over all happy for Peridot. It was soon after we were called back. The second I stepped into the room I locked eyes with Peridot. That day Peridot spoke her first words.

"I love you, Lapis." She added the smile I adored.

And as one might imagine, I started crying. From joy of course. I smiled right back and through my tears and whispered.
"I love you more, Peridot."

Fluffy enough?
Much love ❤️

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