11-Black Magic-(AU part 1)

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--Please note I will be using Google Translate during this chapter, so if anything Isn't correct please don't be offended--(I will include translation)

    I picked up the last of the many heavy boxes, I turned as the wind hit my face. Causing my face to become colder. I look up at a small circular window at the top of the house that I knew would lead to the attic. I zone out as I stare at the window, the wind seemed colder then before. Something drew me to that window. My brother, Steven, turned towards me.
"Lapis, you good!"
I jumped and tore my eyes away from the window. "Yeah, I'm okay..." I glanced back up at the window. Then away and to the door, walking inside with Steven. Upon walking into the house Steven looked around the house in awe.
"How much did you pay for this?" He sat down a box and then turned to me. I replied with "forty three grand."
Steven seemed pretty surprised by the low number for the large house. Not only was it a large house it was also in a area with very little crime, good schools, and a good ways away from anyone. So the low number was very surprising. However, it's not like I was going to complain. 7 acres for $43,000 (£32,925) it was basically like I was scamming the government. Steven helped set up the house, well, all the things that were needed to be set up. So electricity, air conditioning, and water. He also helped set up the living room and carry my bed upstairs. We said our goodbyes and he then left, I'll have to continue setting up the house tomorrow. It's pretty late and I'm to tired and go somewhere to get something to eat. So I decided to skip dinner, yeah I'll hate myself for it later. But oh well. I go upstairs and into my room. The walls are a very light gray, the room also has a strange smell of cigarette smoke but a small hint of lavender. The only thing In the room is my bed. I'll definitely have to paint this room and get some candles or something to get rid of the smell. That will have to wait though. I plop onto the bed, and then cover myself with the blanket. Because of the smell it takes me longer to fall asleep then it usually would, it's around 1:30AM when I fall asleep.

"Bitte verlass mich nicht..."  (("Please don't leave me..."))


I shot up, and looked around the room. I swear I heard someone talking... The voice was in German, the only reason I knew that was I took German in high school in order to get all of my credits. However, I have no idea what I had just heard. Once again the room was cold, just like when I was staring at the window earlier today. I whip my head to the side and look at the clock on top of my side table. 4:17AM I fall back onto the bed and sigh, I'm just going crazy. I've never lived alone so i'm probably just adjusting to it. I go back to sleep and the rest of the night is calm and quiet.


It's been about 3 weeks living in the house, and the whispering of German has only continued, it seem that every night the whisper becomes louder. The other night it sounded like a choked sob. It keeps repeating the same phrase every time.  The only word I can translate is "Bitte" which is "Please" I have also realized that near the entrance to the attack my heart seems to race and a lump gather in my throat. I've not seen the inside of the attic sense moving in. But when I walk past the attic I feel as if someone else is within the house. I had called my best friend, Amethyst, and had told her about my experiences. After a long debate she recommended going into the attic and looking around, seeing if anything was up there. The house was a older house so she said something of value may also be up there. I groan and hang up with the girl. I pace back and forth, go to the attic, stay, go to the attic, stay, go to the attic, stay, go to the attic?

I'm going to the attic.

I run upstairs, expecting to run all the way to the attic. However, I slow down to almost a long step stride. The one the cartoon charters do when trying not to be caught. The area around me gets colder and colder the closer I get to the attic. I state up the entrance. I just need to pull the string and the small ladder/stairs will come down with it. I suck in a breath and reach up to grab the thick rope. And, in a panic, yank in down. However, before going up I ran into my room and grabbed a cheap flashlight. Then back to the entrance of the attic. And, of course, My curiosity got the best of me. I slowly climbed the wooden ladder and glanced into the dark gloomy attic, letting my eyes adjust. The wind howled through a tight gap in the old window, the room was as cold as ice. As I stepped inside the floorboards creaked, I felt uneasy as I went further in, as if the room expanded as I continued. I bumped into something, it must have been another box. Something moved quickly across the room, I have thought it was a mouse, but with the unknown German voice I had been hearing the past few weeks, It could be anything. As I crossed into the attic, darkness engulfed even my silhouette. The dollar store flashlight illuminated the messy room. Books scattered, antique furniture, inches deep in dust. old paintings hung crookedly on the cobweb covered walls. Claustrophobia washed over me from head to toe. The beams above were creaking as I crossed across the attic. Every moment I spent in the room seemed to be a temptation for the beams to collapse. towards the back of the room were strange markings covered the beams and walls, a strong overpowering smell of lavender was present as well. I looked into a dark, dusty corner. My heart only sped up and for a split second I blacked out. I shook my head and walked to the corner, upon looking down there was a box. A small black box covered in years of dust and dirt, The handles that were once gold were now a dull washed out yellow. I shined the small flashlight onto said box and bent down to open it. I had opened the box to reveal eight small glasses. However, when shining the light into the box I noticed a single green tinted glass. Curiosity had beaten me once again and I picked up the glass and spun it around. When I picked up the glass I felt a surge of energy run through me. I shiver and look at the glass upon seeing small writing. Only one word was wrote on the small glass. That word: Peridot. I then heard a something scatter behind me, I jumped and accidentally dropped the glass. I then hear the ear piercing glass shatter. The smashed glass that was once a glass lay on the attic room floor like a thousand tiny daggers, the light from the flashlight violently shining off them. The smell of lavender faded and was then taken over with a smell of peppermint, A trail of smoke roared out of the glasses. A form shaped itself with the smoke. The once dark attic lit up with the smoke swirling around in a small circle. Suddenly a bright green light flashed, blinding me, I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my face away from the attacking light. I then hear a loud thud, as if something slammed onto the ground. The sound makes me jump and then whip my head back to the spot. Where the glass shattered and smoke summoned itself, was replaced with a girl. She was on her hands and knees, looking the the ground. She panted as if she had been running for awhile. She had a short blonde pixie type haircut, however, what threw me off was her outfit. It seemed like it was from the 1930's a dress shirt, dark gray jeans that were connected to black suspenders that stretched up and wrapped around her shoulders, black shoes, and a red tie. I noticed she whipped her head up to look at me.  Her eyes were a shade of green that was a mixture of the sky and grass. All of her emotions were bundled into pale lime green. the excitement, confusion, and terrified bundled up look on her face only made my heart race even more. I'm dreaming right, this did not just happen. She bounced back up to her feet and staggered back, reaching to the side to place her hand on a box for stabling herself. We stare at each other for a long, uninterrupted, moment. I take a step forward, and in return the girl takes a step back. Her eyes glow with a wild confusion. I slowly stretch out my hand to her, at first, she moves her arms to a defensive position. As soon as she touches me I'll wake up. I knew it. This was a dream, this isn't possible. She very slowly puts out her hand and grabs mine. I stood there for a second. Her hands had the innocence of a young girl. soft and delicate. Her hand held mine for no more than a few second then were pulled away and thrusted her hands back into the pockets of her dark jeans. My eyes widen as I realize that this isn't really a dream. My vocal cords are tied, I don't know what to say, what would I say?

"du hast den Fluch gebrochen ..." (("You broke the curse..."))

I raise a brow in confusion. That's the same voice. The voice I'd been hearing for the past 3 weeks. What did she even say? She continues to stare at me. Maybe it's the look of pure surprise and confusion still painted on my face.

"Lapis, richthig?" (("Lapis, Right?"))

Okay that I can make out, it was hard to understand at first. With the thick German the calling of my name didn't seem like she was saying my name. I nod, confirming the question she asked. I then gain enough courage to speak. "Who are you...?" She raised her eyebrow once I spoke. She must not be able to understand me. What can I do to have her be able to understand me? She still seemed scared and confused about everything that was happening. But there was a small part of joy that shined in her eyes.
"Peridot?" I asked, remembering the word that was written on the glass before it was shattered. Her head perked up and she looked at me.
"Ja?" (("Yeah?"))
So that's her name... Peridot.
I suddenly get an idea, and motion for her to follow. I walk back through the attic, the entire mood of the room has seemed to change. The furniture, paintings, and cobwebs were still there. But the darkness had disappeared. I slowly, and carefully, climbed back down the ladder. I noticed that Peridot had followed behind me like an old loyal dog. I ran down stairs and to a small bookshelf I had, years ago me and my family took a trip to Germany. And my father bought a German to English translation book. Maybe that could help. I turned around and noticed how she looked around the house. She stared at somethings as if she was scared of them, and others as if she's seen it before. I tap her shoulder and hand her the book. This will help me understand her more, and she'll be able to understand me somewhat now. I grab a pencil and some paper and sit down at the table. I need to know more about this girl. I can't just 'summon' someone in my creepy ass attic and then send them on their marry way. She seems to understand what I want and starts flipping through the book. It takes her a moment to find all the words she needs. Her hand moved slowly across the paper as she wrote out the English letters. The longer she wrote the faster she became at writing the letters, very gradually though. I patiently wait. I took the time to take in her details as she was to focused in writing the foreign language. A small amount of freckles dotted her cheeks and nose. Her eyes that seemed pale once before are now a bright line green. Her hair messy and spiked. She had circular glasses with a green frame. Her nose was small along with her ears. I blush lightly and tore my eyes away, looking at the table. I did this for some time before I felt the paper slide under my forearm. And then read what she wrote.

That was part one of this AU. I'll try to post part two soon.
However, I am proud of myself. 2200 words in the story alone. Go me.

Much love ❤️

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