15-Scars-(F l u f f)

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⚠️ Gay af warning ⚠️

Lapis was a creature of habit and always had been. She's wakes up at five, refuses to leave the bed till 3 minutes before she has to leave for work- she's almost always late because she can't dress any faster to save her life.... not that I'm complaining about that part.. but I digress. She'll kiss my forehead and whisper sweet nothing and then tell me how much she loves me before leaving. Then when I get back from work she's has already been home for a good 30 ish minutes. She'll give me a hug and ask me how my day was. Depending on my answer she'll respond differently. Today was, not really a bad day, just long. And I was tired. I told this to Lapis and she immediately offered cuddles. I could only accept and smile at the opportunity. We decided to just lay on the couch, Lapis was already watching her favorite show before I got home and it was one I kinda enjoyed. So I let her still watch while we cuddled I meant I got to be engulfed in her body warmth.  Her head rested on top of mine and her arms wrapped around my waist and her legs tangled with mine. We watched the show as I felt warm and safe. And then I feel her hand, which are always cold, slide up my shirt. I shiver and look at her confused. However, she's paying attention mostly to the show. She rested her hand in my upper chest and I just stopped paying attention to her previous action. I had an idea of what she might do and I smiled at it. Of course, I was right and she did especially what I thought. Some background is maybe needed here... I'll just give a basic summary. When I was really young I had bad heart problems and they were bad enough I had to get surgery, leaving me with a scar for the rest of my life.
I never really understood how Lapis adored the scar, she found it adorable and precious. Lapis tries to explain but she really can't explain and I never understand.
But, every so often, especially in this position. I can feel Lapis very very gently stroke the scar. However, she always treats the scar as it's brand new. Feeling as if her thumb never touches my skin, making only slow strokes downwards and never moved her thumb back upwards, only downwards. She's always treated the spot with extreme care during any event that may have involved the scar. I managed to look up and her and she only smiled at me and then kissed my forehead. She always seemed to do that, whenever she had an excuse to. Forehead kisses seemed to be her favorite. She seemed to take even more caution when I looked at her. She would then nuzzle into me and continues and cautious petting and we watched the show, well... I'm pretty sure Lapis had zoned out by now.
She tended to not do the petting of the scar often, or if she did she was just so cautious sometimes that I wouldn't even notice. I don't think me telling her that she didn't have to be as gentle as she is would change her actions in anyway. Gentle giant I guess... I wiggle backwards to be pressed against her more so I can still be in the embrace of the now warm, but normally cold, Lapis.
She got to pet the scar
I got warmth and happiness
It was a win win.
I love her.
And her quirks.
She's always cared more for personality and character then looks.
Thought she does adore my looks.
Scars and all.

Sorry for like- not posting but I'm ?here now?

Much love ❤️


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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