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I zoned out until I felt someone’s arms snaking around my waist in the same possessive manner as Zayn did to Perrie my back was to this person’s chest and I could feel their breath on the back of my neck.

I wriggled about until the person let me go I turned and looked up it was harry who had been holding me in that death grip.

I gave him the deadliest look I could muster and stepped back a bit to get away from him. He wouldn’t have that no he pulled me back into him this time I was facing his chest.

He leaned to my ear his curly hair tickling my neck his lips brushed against my ear as he spoke.

“Hello Amy I’m Harry” I shivered at his deep raspy tone.

“Could you get off me I don’t want your hands touching me and how do you know my name I only started school this morning.” I spat back at him.

“Well I’m guessing Perrie told you about me being in a gang and owning this school so I obviously am going to know if someone joins but princess I don’t want to let you go you want to know why? Because as soon as I mark you you’re mine.”

That was it I wasn’t going to take this bullshit from anyone not even a gang leader so I kicked him where the sun don’t shine and stalked out of the canteen.

You're mine (harry styles fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now