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I felt a tug on my hand and I turned around to a smiling niall I went in for a hug and he did the same thing. Niall drew back a little and looked into my eyes. Then…



He kissed me.



I pulled away and looked into Niall’s eyes. He gave me a shy smile.

“I’m sorry Amy I’m not sure what came over me it’s just that…” I quickly placed my finger or his lips to stop him from talking.

“Niall its fine but we better get back to Perrie or she might be worrying about where we are.” In response he nodded and I walked away towards the room.

As soon as I walked in, I was embraced in a bone splitting hug from Perrie.

“AMY please don’t do that again you were gone for so long and I thought that maybe harry had got you and I was so worried. I heard him shouting outside.”

Before I could reply Niall spoke in a dull tone “As you can see Amy is fine Harry did not take her. I have to go soon as I have to arrange for you to get away but before I do I will tell you the plan.”

Perrie and I looked at each other in excitement and sat down on the bed cross legged exactly the same time I giggled a little bit.

“Well the plan is. I will go and buy you plane tickets for the next flight to America. You will use my car to get to the airport and when you get to America, there will be a driver to pick you up he will take you to the hotel. You will lay low in a hotel until I can get there and we can go from there.”

I was a little shocked how Niall had planned this in a short amount of time but at the same time I was so excited to not feel imprisoned.

“Niall I am sorry for doubting you earlier on it’s just I have learnt that you can’t trust most people in life. I would also like to say thank you for helping us.” Perrie spoke in a strong tone.

Niall nodded his head and pulled us both in for a hug. “I have to go now girls I am going to get your tickets I will be back in a few hours. Make sure you don’t leave this room and make sure you have everything ready.”

With one last smile at us Niall walked over to the door and stepped outside. I turned round to Perrie with a smile and saw she was smiling too.

“We didn’t really bring a lot with us as we didn’t have time so we basically have a few hours just to relax. The room service came when you were outside.”

“YUMMY food. I really want to sleep but I can’t so I might just watch TV for a bit. We can always sleep on the plane.” I spoke through a mouthful of food.

“It’s rude to speak with your mouthful Amy you should know better and yeah I am going to sleep on the plane.” She spoke in a jokey tone

After a quick check to see if we had everything we settled down and watched TV.


~~~3 hours later~~~
A knocking on the door startled Perrie and I .Distracting us from the Meerkat show we were watching which quite frankly was boring as shit. I tensed up a little but instantly relaxed as soon as I heard Nialls Irish accent.

I stumbled to the door tripping on the duvet which had become tangled around my body and opened it.

“I don’t mean to sound rude but we have to leave now. Harry and Zayn have sent out numerous people to find you and they will be sending out more soon. I have booked your plane ticket now come down to the car.”

I quickly slipped my shoes on while Perrie grabbed the small bag we had. We walked down the stairs and dropped the key off at the desk. As soon as we were in the car Niall spoke again.

“Right when we get to the airport you will run straight to terminal 8 once there give the ticket to the person and say that I am one of your boyfriends. Once my name is mentioned they will take you straight to the plane skipping the bag and passport checking.” Perrie and I muttered a quick okay.

When we got to the airport we pulled up at the drop off centre. Niall helped us out and I pulled him in for a hug.

“Thank you so much for doing this for us Niall it means so much. We will see you in America soon.” Niall said small goodbyes to Perrie and I and walked away.

I grabbed onto Perrie’s hand and started speed walking through the airport. When we reached terminal 8, we told the lady at the desk what niall told us too and she escorted us onto the plane.

Perrie and I had been seated on the seat for a few minutes before everyone else started coming onto the plane.

Finally after about half an hour, everyone was seated in their seats and the stewardess were just shutting the door when there was a bang from the other side.

Everyone looked towards the door in confusion and I felt the colour drain from my face. The only question running through my head was How did they find us?

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