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I quickly clamped my mouth shut not meaning to say that out loud.

Harry gave me a confused look and I tried to walk away but he pulled me back.

“What do you mean?” Harry asked and I gulped a little. I didn’t want Harry involved in my business.

“Nothing I didn’t mean anything. I just got uh confused with my words.” Harry looked at me sceptically obviously not believing me.

“Amy tell me right now. Believe me we can sit here for as long as you like until you tell me.” I sighed knowing Harry wasn’t going to give up and opened my mouth.

“Well it all started when…”

~~~ Flashback ~~~

I heard a slap and my mum sobbing to herself quietly he hates it when we cry. He says it makes us look weak.

I felt weak; my mum was taking that hit for me. If I would have been more careful, I wouldn’t have dropped that plate and he wouldn’t have blamed it on my mum.

It wasn’t uncommon for him to hit me; he has done it many times before. I was only 10 and a girl of my age shouldn’t have to live like this.

I had stopped referring him as Dad when I was about 8, realising what he was doing wasn’t right.

My thoughts were broken when I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly scrambled away from my parents room and into my own.

I shivered, that was too close if he had seem me snooping outside his room I don’t want to think about what he would have done.

I tried to control my breathing as I heard my door creaking open. There he stood with a man a little younger than him.

“Is this her?” the man asked in a deep voice which quite honestly scared the poo out of me. His voice sounded so dark and mysterious.

“Yeah this is her. Amy this is my friend and you will be helping him with a few things and after he will give money for daddy to get alcohol and maybe some handcuffs for mummy.” I just nodded my head

I didn’t really know what he meant by alcohol and handcuffs. Maybe handcuffs are bracelets?

“Amy behave. I will come back in after I have dealt with mummy okay.” With that he excited the room and left me with this man who kept smirking at me.

He took a seat on my bed and motioned me to come over to him.

I cautiously walked over to him not really trusting him from his creepy smile on his face.

When I was close enough to him, he pulled me onto his lap and I could feel something on my bum. Maybe a pickle?

“Excuse me mister, why do you have a pickle in your pants?” I questioned and a dark sinister chuckle was emitted from his mouth.

I don’t really remember much of what happened after that but the next thing I knew he was taking my clothes off.

I struggled but he wouldn’t let go so I grabbed the nearest thing to me which happened to be a lamp. I closed my eyes and smashed him round the head with it.

I could no longer feel a grip on me so I peeked out of one eye and saw the man on the floor with his eyes closed. The lamp was shattered around him and he seemed to be sleeping.

I swiftly walked out of the room pulling my clothes back on not wanting to be there when the man woke up.

I knocked on mummy and his room and there was no answer. I waited for a while but still no one answered.

When I opened the door, I wanted to scream there was mummy lying on the floor covered in blood. I ran over and checked her pulse it was still their but faint. I had to call the ambulance.

“AMY WHERE ARE YOU I SWEAR WHEN I FIND YOU THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY.” I dived into mummy’s wardrobe as his voice was right by this room.

I heard the door open and through the crack in the wardrobe door I saw him looking at mummy. With force, he pulled his leg back and kicked mummy.

“Stupid bitch" he muttered under his breath. I held in a gasp he called mummy a naughty word and kicked her.

As soon as he walked out I ran over to mummy’s phone which was on the side of her bed, I dialled in 999 which mummy made me remember a little while back in case of an emergency.

As soon as I had told the ambulance people and the police what was wrong and told them my address I turned around and saw him standing there.

The sirens were faint in the distance but getting louder quickly

“So my own daughter snitched on me did she. Well don’t worry Amy I will get my revenge on you and your pathetic excuse for a mother.” I somehow knew that he was being serious and he would keep his promise.

As the police surrounded me and questioned me on what happened, that’s all I could think about.

~~~ End of flashback ~~~

Silent tears were streaming down my face and harry was intently staring at me seemingly trying to find the right words to say.

The next thing I knew I was embraced in Harry’s arms. The heat from his body was escalating on me and it was horrible.

“I’m worried Harry, what if he comes back for me or my mum and this time he kills her.” Harry pulled me closer to him.

“Amy its okay please stop crying I will protect you. You’re mine and I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Something inside of me snapped when Harry said this but not in a good way. I pulled away from his hold.

“No Harry I don’t need your sympathy, you raped me how can I trust you?”  Harry looked speechless and he opened his mouth.

“I just…” I cut him off not wanting to hear whatever bullshit he had to say.

“No just get out, the only thing I need protecting from right now is you.” Harry’s face turned sad and he swiftly turned and left the room.

Leaving me with my thoughts.

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