Episode 58

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Recap: Swara meets Sanskar. She struggles to keep her emotions intact and still does not reveal her past to Sam. Sanskar has a split personality disorder and doesn't recognize Swara. Swara breaks down and cries finally after five years. She reveals to Sam that Sanskar is actually her husband.


Sam- What are you saying Swara?

Swara- Yes Sam. Sanskar is my husband.


(Back at the hotel room in California...)

Swara wakes up and finds herself held tightly in the embrace of her husband. She looks up at Sanskar's face and finds him peacefully sleeping. She blushes thinking about the previous night and slowly gets out of his embrace. A few minutes later, she gets out of the bathroom, whilst drying her hair. Looking over at the bed, she still sees Sanskar sleeping. She walks over to him and smiles seeing the peaceful resting face. She bends down and kisses Sanskar's forehead. Sanskar opens his eyes and smiles.

Swara- Good morning.

Sanskar- Good morning.

Swara- Now get up Sanskar, our flight is this afternoon.

Sanskar- But we still have a lot time now so, why don't we spend it effectively?
Sanskar smirks and gets up.

Swara- What?

Sanskar- What nahi, hot. If you come in front of me looking so hot in a dress like that, then of course I wont be able to control myself.
Sanskar moves his arm to Swara's back and pushes her against his chest.

Swara- Sanskar chodo.
Sanskar shakes his head no.
Swara tries removing Sanskar's arms, but fails. Swara steps on Sanskar's foot.

Sanskar- Ahhhhhh!
Sanskar lets go of Swara and screams in pain.

Sanskar- What the hell! What was that for?

Swara- Oh shut up Sanskar. Don't be such a dramebaaz.

Sanskar- It really hurt.
Swara looks at Sanskar's sad face and starts feeling guilty.

Swara- It really hurt?
Sanskar pouts and nods his head.
Swara bends down and reaches her arm out to touch his foot. Sanskar becomes shocked. He steps back and makes Swara stand.

Sanskar- Swara, what are you doing?

Swara- You said it hurt. I didn't want to hurt you.

Sanskar- Swara, I was just joking yaar. Never touch my feet again. Your place isn't at my feet, it's in my heart.
He pulls Swara into a tight hug.

Swara thinks- I don't know why, but I'm getting a feeling that something bad is going to happen. Oh god, please look out for my Sanskar.
Swara breaks the hug.

Swara- Okay, you freshen up and come. I'll wait for you in the lobby.

(Hotel Lobby...)

Swara looks at her watch.
Swara- Where is Sanskar? Why isn't he here yet?
As if on cue, Swara sees Sanskar walking towards her.

Swara- Finally Sanskar. It's about time that you came. Who takes this much time to get ready? I mean...
Sanskar Shut up!

Swara was shocked by Sanskar's sudden outburst.

Swara- Sanskar?
Sanskar becomes furious.

Sanskar- Just shut up Swara!

Swara- Sanskar...what...what happened? I'm sorry I was just joking but...
Swara holds up his phone.

Sanskar- What is this?
Swara looks at the screen, which showed a video on Swara. In the video, Swara was talking to the whole Maheswari family, threatening them to hand over the property in Swara's name.
Sanskar's eyes were red, and his veins were popping as he saw his own family in such a state.

Swara- Sanskar, I didn't do that. believe me, it wasn't me!

Sanskar- Oh just shut up Swara. I'm seeing this with my own eyes.

Swara- Sanskar, you can't even see my face. Please believe me, this is fake!
Swara cups Sanskar's face.

Swara- Sanskar, please believe me, I would never do this. Look at me Sanskar. Please.
Sanskar pushes Swara and she falls to the floor.

Sanskar- I thought I had found a perfect bahu for my family. I was wrong. I never knew you could stoop this low!
Sanskar turned to leave. Swara was on the floor crying. She quickly got up and held Sanskar's arm.

Swara- Sanskar, where are you going? Don't leave me. Sanskar please believe me!

Sanskar- Swara, go away! Now that I see who you truly are, I don't want to see your face again!

Swara- Please Sanskar, believe me! Sanskar please, I love you!

Sanskar shouts- Loving you was the biggest mistake of my life!

Swara's heart was shattered. She stood there as the world around her slowly faded away. She could see Sanskar walking away, but she couldn't move her legs. Everything was numb. Only Sanskar's words echoed in her head.
"Loving you was the biggest mistake of my life..."


Swara wiped away a tear.
Swara- I didn't know why Sanskar did that. But he didn't trust me. So, I decided not to go back to India. I went straight to Australia. I didn't contact anyone. When I came to Australia, only you were by my side. You helped my with my broken heart by giving me the opportunity to fix other hearts.
A tear drops down Swara's cheeks.

Swara- Now, my past is in front of me in such a way that I don't know what to do. I never thought I would meet Sanskar in this condition.
Swara wipes away her tear.

Sam- Swara...I...so much happened and I...if you want, I will transfer Sanskar to another hospital.

Swara- No Sam, he is no one to me anymore. He is only my patient. I will do my duty as his doctor and that's it. The moment he said that he made a mistake in loving me, Swara Sanskar Maheswari became no more.
Swara stands up.

Swara- Now I'm saying, I don't love you Sanskar Maheswari. I hate you, I hate you!

Precap: Sanskar's side of the story revealed....

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