Episode 22

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Recap: Sanskar is surprised to see Swara dancing. He confronts her back at home and she reveals that she has been dancing at charity functions for a good cause. Later, Swara has a nightmare and starts panicking. Sanskar consoles Swara and comforts her whole she sleeps.


Swara wakes up and stretches her arms. She feels something and looks to see Sanskar leaning against the backboard of the bed and sleeping next to her.

Swara thinks- Sanskar? What is he doing here?
She suddenly remembers the happenings from last night.

Swara thinks- Oh no! This is exactly what I was afraid of happening! What will I tell him now when he questions me?
Swara sat up and stared at Sanskar. Sanskar opened his eyes and found Swara staring at him.

Sanskar- Swara? Are you ok? Here, lay down and take some rest.
Swara looks at Sanskar lovingly and admires his concern for her.

Swara- No. I'm fine.

Sanskar- U sure?
Swara nods.

Sanskar- Pakka?

Swara- Pakka.

Sanskar- Ummm....last night....

Swara- Sorry about that. I...

Sanskar- Did that happen before also?
Swara was silent.

Sanskar- Swara don't stay silent. Say something.
Swara got off the bed and proceeded to leave but Sanskar held her hand.

Sanskar- Ur hiding too much from me already. I know I'm not ur husband but right now, u stay with me. So I have some responsibility over you. Even if u deny it, that's the truth. And staying silent won't solve anything.
Sanskar let go of Swara's hand. Swara turned to face Sanskar.

Swara- U really want to know? Then look!
Swara pulled down he shirt, revealing her shoulder, on which lied a tattoo of a flower.

Swara- Look!
Swara lifted her shirt a bit, exposing her stomach, which showed a tattoo of a heart near her waist.

Swara- Look!
Swara pulled up her shirt a bit and faced her back to Sanskar. Sanskar saw another tattoo on her back. Sanskar was shocked and speechless.

Swara- U want to see more! Then look!
Swara reached for the collar of her shirt but Sanskar held her hand and stopped her.

Sanskar- Swara? What is all this?
Tears ran down Swara's face. Sanskar made her sit on the bed.

Swara- My mom....

Sanskar- Shomi aunty?

Swara- No......


When Swara was very little, her mother died. Her father married another woman. Unfortunately, that woman did not give Swara the care and affection of a mother. Instead, she got the brutal punishments from a devil. One day, Swara's father died of a heart attack. Now that there were no more obstacles, Swara's stepmom gained all their wealth and remarried. This time, the stepmom and her husband abused Swara. Daily, Swara would get a beating from the man. Cruel torture was put on Swara.

(Child abuse is a serious topic that is purely condemned by me. A brutal act like child abuse should never be justified and such actions should always receive the punishment it deserves. I, in no sort of way, condone of this sort of abuse).

One day, the police found out. Then parents went to jail and Swara was left in an orphanage. Until one day, Shomi found Swara and instantly formed a motherly bond with her. As a single woman, Shomi yearned for a child, which Swara later fulfilled.


Silence filled the room. Sanskar was staring at Swara is shock and amazement. Silent tears ran down Swara's cheeks. She fiddled with her fingers.

Swara- Yes, I got a new life, but my old life did not leave me so easily. Those marks from the beatings permanently stayed on my body. But I didn't want them. So I covered them up with something that would not remind me of those old days. I covered up my bruises and scars with these tattoos.
Sanskar's eyes became moist. He reached out and put his hand over Swara's hand and gave her a reassuring look.

Swara- Maa gave me all the love and care a mother can give her child. She treated me like her own child. Not once did I feel that we were not blood related. But I broke all her trust. I ruined that pure relationship.
Swara broke down. She covered her face with her hands and cried. Sanskar pulled her into him and side hugged her. Swara cried into Sanskar's chest. A few moments later, Swara broke the hug. She wiped her tears and left the room. Sanskar was still left awestruck.

Sanskar- All his happened to Swara, and no one even knew? Who would have thought that such a strong and powerful woman like Swara could have had this past? She has been living with this in her heart?
Sanskar stood up and smiled.

Sanskar- I'll make everything right. Don't worry my Siyappa Queen.
He smiles.

The Next Scene....

Sanskar enters the kitchen and sits on the counter. Swara was making rotis.
Sanskar- What are you doing?

Swara- U can't see?

Sanskar thinks- Looks like she's still upset.
Sanskar moves her hair from her cheek and flour from her hand goes on her cheek.
Sanskar gets an idea and does his one eyebrow raise.

Sanskar- Be careful.

Swara looks at Sanskar with a confused look. Sanskar picks up a plate and shows Swara's reflection to her. Swara makes a hawww face.

Sanskar- Kahi roti na pak jaye. Itne hot jo hai aap.
Swara squints her eyes.

Swara- Are you flirting with me?

Sanskar- No. Genuine compliment. Vaise....I'm in the mood for ice cream right now. So I'm going. If someone would like to come, they can.
Sanskar smirks knowing that Swara can't deny ice cream. Swara's eyes light up.

Swara- Ice cream?

Sanskar- Be ready in 5 min. I'm waiting outside.
Sanskar leaves. Swara smiles.

Swara- I know ur doing all this to make me smile. Ur so sweet Sanskar.

Precap: Swara and Sanskar's ice cream date and a surprise for Swara...

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