Episode 63

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Recap: Swara is in shock and has a hard time believing that Sanskar is gay. However, she decides that it will no longer affect her and she will only play the role of Sanskar's doctor from now on. When she goes to Sanskar's apartment, Swara finds out that truth about Sanskar and Sam's plan and is furious at Sanskar. Sanskar tries to make Swara listen to him but she leaves angrily. Sam calls Sanskar and tells him that Swara is missing. Sanskar sets out to find her.


Sanskar is driving through the streets.
Sanskar- Swara, where are you? Come on Swara, you can't be this weak. Where are you?

He frantically looks around for Swara. Suddenly Sanskar spots Swara's car at the side of a road in the middle of a forest. He quickly gets out his car and runs to Swara's car and finds it empty.

Sanskar- Swara!
He looks around the abandoned woods.

Sanskar- This is Swara's car. That means she was here. But where is she now?
Something catches Sanskar's eyes as he sees a hand from behind a tree. He runs up to the tree and is shocked to see an unconscious Swara lying near the tree. Sanskar quickly puts Swara's head on his lap and pats her cheeks.

Sanskar- Swara! Swara, wake up!
He notices Swaras' wet hair and clothing and feels her forehead.

Sanskar- Shit! She's burning. That means, she was lying under the rain all night. Oh my God!
Sanskar carries Swara in his arms and frantically tries to find a place for help. He runs through the woods and hears music and voices. With Swara in his arms, Sanskar runs towards the sound and finds a dhabha. Everyone stops what they are doing they see Sanskar frantically carrying Swara in.

Sanskar- Can someone please help me! Please!

The owner of the dhabha comes up to Sanskar and looks at Swara's face.
Owner thinks- She has such an innocent face.
He then looks at Sanskar's face.

Owner thinks- He seems to love her a lot.
The owners wife also comes.
Wife- What happened to her? Is this your wife?

Sanskar- Yes, this is my wife. Please help me. Look, she is scorching hot!

Owner- She has a fever. Come, I will give you a place to stay for tonight.
Sanskar follows the owner who takes them to room behind the dhabha.

Owner- You two can stay her for the night. There are some blankets. Keep her warm. I will bring you a glass of milk.
Sanskar lays Swara down on the bed.

The owner's wife comes in and hands Sanskar a saree.
Wife- Here, change her into this. Her clothes are wet and she will become more sick.

Sanskar- Voh....me?

Owner- Haa. You are her husband right?

Sanskar- Yes.
The owner gives Sanskar a glass of milk.

Owner- Here, drink this. You look like you haven't had anything today.

Sanskar- I don't know how to thank you. This is a very big help for us.

Wife- Don't say it like that. You two are like our children's age. You look like you love your wife a lot. It was our duty to help.

The owner and his wife leave. Sanskar closes the door and looks at the saree in his hand and then at Swara. He takes a step towards Swara then freezes. He remembers his words to Swara in the California hotel.
"Loving you was the biggest mistake of my life."

Sanskar- I am so sorry Swara. Please forgive me.
Sanskar slowly goes up to Swara. He takes a piece of cloth and ties it around his eyes. With his eyes now closed and tied, he slowly starts to change Swara. He slowly moves his hand and finds Swara's shoulder. Sitting her upright, he unzips her dress from the back and slips it off her shoulder. Slowly, Sanskar undresses Swara and wraps the saree around her. He then takes off his blindfold and puts a blanket on Swara. Swara starts shivering. Sanskar takes her hand and rubs her palms.

Sanskar- She's still cold. What do I do?
He looks around the room.

Sanskar- There are no more blankets. What do I do now? Night is dawning and its getting colder.
He looks at Swara who is still holding onto Sanskar's hand and shivering.

Sanskar- Should I? Nahi, she will get mad. But...I need to do this. I need to save Swara.
Sanskar slowly climbs into bed and lays next to Swara. He hesitantly moves closer to Swara. He moves her into his chest and wraps his arms around her protectively. Swara wraps her arm across Sanskar's waist and holds on to him tightly. Sanskar places a kiss on the top of Swara's head and closes his eyes as they both drift off to sleep.

The Next Morning...

Sanskar wakes up as he hears a knock on the door. He smiles as her sees Swara peacefully sleeping in his embrace. Sanskar hears the knock again and slowly gets out of bed, trying not to wake Swara up. He opens the door and finds the owner and his wife.

Owner- How is your wife? Is she better?

Sanskar- Yes, she is a bit better.

Wife- Okay, when she wakes up, come to the dhabha. We will give you some breakfast to eat.

Sanskar- Thank you so much! I will pay for this room also.

Wife- What are you saying beta? We helped you after seeing your trouble. You are like our son. We can't accept the money for you.

Owner- Aur aaj toh Holi hai. So quickly bring your wife out. Here, we celebrate Holli with full masti.
Sanskar laughs. The owner and his wife leaves. Sanskar hears Swara moving and quickly goes to the bed. Swara slowly opens her eyes.

Sanskar- Swara? Tu thik toh hai na? How are you feeling now?

Swara- I'm feeling better. Just my head...
Swara suddenly sits up and pushes Sanskar.

Swara- Tum! What are you doing here?
Swara looks around the room.

Swara- And where am I?
She looks at herself and notices the saree.

Swara- And my clothes? Who changed my clothes?

Sanskar- Swara calm down. Please...

Swara- Don't touch me Sanskar! Where am I? Who changed my clothes!

Sanskar- I did...
Swara is shocked. She slaps Sanskar.

Swara- How dare you touch me! Who gave you the right to lay your hands on me?

Sanskar- Swara....I'm your husband...

Swara- Shut up! You are not my husband! You lost all your rights over me that day. You have no rights over me anymore. How dare you touch me!

Sanskar- Shut up!
Swara stops talking and becomes surprised by Sanskar's sudden outburst.

Sanskar- Yes I changed your clothes. I have some humanity in myself. I wan't going to leave you to stay in wet clothes all night. And don't worry, I didn't see anything. I had a blind fold on. Mujhe koi shock nahi hai to see. You can trust me on that. Aur vaise bhi, there's nothing new to see...
Swara's jaw drops.

Sanskar thinks- Sanskar, idiot! Chal, leave from here now before she goes on full Siyappa mode!

Sanskar- I'm going outside. I haven't eaten for a whole day because of you. So when all your drama is over, please do me the favor and come outside.
Sanskar quickly leaves from there. Swara is still in shock.

Precap: Swara and Sanskar celebrate Holi...

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