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When the time came, she jumped into the blue abyss. The saltwater stung her eyes on impact.


Not drinkable, unless her useless brain thought of a miraculous purifier.

Which wasn't even close to likely.

When Octavia resurfaced, her arms flailed for a few important seconds, before she began to dog padddle. Dog paddle, to the cornucopia. Probably the worst decision she'd ever made, but she didn't fail in doing her best to hurry to the island.

Upon glancing around, she noticed the two surrounding her only yards ahead of her swimming position, stroking their arms gracefully through the water.


Octavia continued to do her best, gravitating slowly but surely through the depthy water.

When she finally reached the cornucopia, she immediately noticed the trail of blood, and Hahna, stabbing someome gruesomely with a sword. And then they fell.

Octavia yelled out her name, using every ounce of strength to attempt to pull herself onto the rock without getting impaled, which she failed.

The pointed rock cut a large hash in her thigh, the wound about 6 inches long and fairly deep. She watched momentarily as her blood dripped onto the rock and into the water, causing the fish to all swarm towards area.

Hahna wasted no time rushing over ehen she noticed Octavias position, offering a hand to pull her up.

"We need to find Chole," she huffed, and that was when she suddenly, without making a sound, turned around a plunged the spear she held into the abdomen of a boy from three.

He gasped, falling over and loosening thr grip of the balanced dagger expertly held. Octavia quickly grabbed it before it fell into the saltwater.

"Grab what you can, but dont waste time. Got it?" Hahna moved stealthily, like a cougar stalking its prey. Octavia just about fell every step, her injury causing her to lag behind slightly.

"Yes, m'lady," Octavia grunted out, reaching down to grab the biggest backpack she'd seen so far, as well as a bag of what looked to be food.

"I need knives, or a sword. Anything, really," she spoke, doing her best to apply pressure to her wound that blood now steadily poured out of.

"Then look, god dammit," Hahna pulled her along more, and Octavia scoffed, annoyed by her ally.

Thats when she spotted the belt, pulled herself out of Hahnas grasp, and hustled to the weaponry strapped to the inside of the cornucopia.

She reached, grabbing it and securing it onto her waist.

She failed to notice the male who hovered behind her.


When Chole dived, or flopped, into the water, all he saw was darkness.

But, miraculously, he found his way to the surface.

Shaking his long hair from his face, he spit the salty water out.

Frantically, he waved his arms around in a pathetic attempt to float, it working effectively somehow.

He paddled his way, slowly, to the rocks, noticing most of the tributes found a way to the rocks one way or another.

Huffing, he pulled himself up on the rocks. Thankfully, he got up hardly scathed.

Chole was anxious, his eyes scanning for Octavia or Hahna, mainly Hahna.

He knew it was messed up- but he was in love with the girl from two. Octavia, to both of the lovers, was a pity case.

Chole spotted a sword, rushing over to it and grabbing it in his hands.

He scanned the area, watching as the male from eleven came at him with a baton.

Chole dodged him narrowly, spinning away and getting a good cut along jos side before sprinting around to the other side.

He found Hahna, and Octavia.

But he also noticed the large man behind the latter, ready to impale her.


The gamemakers had out done themselves this time.

It looked too simple- it really did, but Alix was no idiot.

He dove into the water, diving low enough to scrape himself on thr colorful coral, his foot now bleeding immensely.

The fish below, unbeknownst to Alix, all came at once, biting the limb and tearing more flesh.

He screamed, hoping someone would help him. No- this was the Hunger Games, it was everyone for themselves.

So, he swam as fast as he could to an island not far from the cornucopia, the fish suddenly becoming thinner in numbers as he approached deeper water.

He has learnt to swim back in five- there was a pong near his home, and him and his older sister Lucille had always swam there when they were younger.
Pulling himself onto the already scalding sand, he panted heavily.

It was one thing to play the game- it was a whole other to survive.

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