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The burning of too cold air filling her nostrils is what Octavia opened her eyes to.

The cold metal ground beneath her made a chill go up her spine as she flund the breathing mask off, and then ripped out the IVs, causing her to hiss in pain.

She stood warily, looking behind her to see Katniss and Beetee laying on the ground, asleep. Maybe dead, but she didn't have time to worry about that. She needed to find Finnick.

She heard mumbling from outside a large door, the lights flickering above her as she slowly opened it.

She saw Haymitch first, who immediately turned his tired looking face to her. He snickered at her confused expression.

Octavia then noticed Plutarch, who was sitting down no doubt engaged in an arguement with Haymitch.

Then, she looked straight ahead.

And there he was.

She ran, or more limped, to him. Octavias arms found their way around his neck as she pulled her body against hers, sobs racking her fragile body.

They stayed like that for awhile, unmoving and drowning thenselves in the meer presence of eachother.

Plutarch eventually coughed, gaining Octavias attention as she turned to him, keeping her death grip on Finnicks hand.

"What- what happened?" Octavia asked softly, her eyes still adjusting to the bright light of the room.

"When Katniss shot her arrow, she blew up the arena. We were able to rescue the four of you-"

"Where is Johanna, a-and Peeta," Octavia asked, staring straight at Plutarch.

"We were unable-"

"WHERE ARE THEY!" She screamed, her voice trembling as she began stalking towards him.

Finnick grabbed her waist, pulling her into him as he pressed a kiss to her temple.

"The- the Capital took them, Octavia."

His words hit her like a dozen bricks, her eyes brimming with tears.


"Which brings us to our current predicament. Katniss will lose it without the boy," Haymitch ran a hand down his face, the tiredness obvious.

"She'll cooperate," Plutarch convinced, Octavia wasn't sure if he was convincing himself or them.

"No, she won't. Not without-"

Her words were cut off by the door opening again, and Katniss herself stepping into the threshold.

"Speak of the devil," Octavia muttered, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Hi, sweetheart," was all Haymitch said, and apparently all it took for Katniss to snap as she charged her mentor, syringe in hand.

"WHY ARE YOU WITH THEM!" She screamed, gesturing to Finnick, Octavia and Plutarch.

Haymitch backed Katniss into the wall, pushing her hands above her head as he grabbed the syringe.

"This is why we don't let you make the plans."

"What are you doing in here!" Katniss sneered at Finnick and Octavia, who only sent her a pitiful look in response.

"Stop- stop. Just listen," was all Finnick said, squeezing Octavias hand in the process.

Haymitch let her go once she calmed down, and she pushed his arms off of her aggressively.

"Wheres Peeta?" She asked, looking at Octavia who was staring anywhere but the distraught girl from Distrixt Twelve.

"You, Katniss, have been our mission from the beginning. Our plan was always to get you out. Half the district's were in on it. This is the revolution, and you are the mockingjay," Plutarch explained calmly, and Katniss shook her head in disbelief. She was confused, and scared. Octavia didn't know how to help her.

"We're on our way to District Thirteen right now," Plutarch said, and Katniss let out a small gasp.



Octavia bit her lip, running a hand through her ratted hair.

"Wheres Peeta?" Katniss asked again, her voice coming out rasped and breathy.

"Peeta still had his tracker in his arm. Octavia cut yours, and her own, out," Haymitch said carefully, awaiting her reaction.

"Where is he?" She asked again, her eyes brimming with tears.

"He's in the Capitol- they got him, and Johanna."

Octavia watched, the calm before the storm was an accurate description. She lunged, her palm connecting with Haymitchs face.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" She screamed, shoving him around.

"You- you promised you me you would save him over me!" Plutarch apparoched her from behind, stabbing a syringe into her. She slowly began falling to the floor, sobbing.

"You're a liar- you liar!"

Octavia felt a tear slide down her face at the sight of the non unconscious Katniss.

"Octavia," Plutarch turned to her, a grim expression on his face.

"Theres- there is something else you need to know," she tensed, awaiting whatever he was going to tell her. She tightened her grip on Finnicks hand.

"The Capital- they have your sister.."





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