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It was the first time Octavia wasn't dressing herself in nine years.

The, as she liked to call them, mini prep-team went to work on spiffing her up. They waxed her, painted her face and nails, and trimmed her long hair and bangs.

The dress was quite pretty, designed by Veah herself. It was a royal blue color with sleeves about three fingers wide. They hung off her shoulder, showing off her sleek build that she worked hard for, training outside almost everyday rain or shine.

Walking out of her home and into the humid air in District Five, Octavia closed her eyes and stood on the step, taking in the breeze that chilled her and the shout of young children playing in a small cluster of homes a street over.

Children- she could never, ever bring a child into a world. Not when it could face the brutalities that she'd faced. It was almost selfish to do so, not that shr would ever have the chance.

After about five minutes of walking, she reached the square where the realing was held each year. It was almost underwhelming this year, the crowd thinner than usual and the stage empty.

"Octavia dear!" Hollered a voice she knew all too well. She flinched, turning around to meet Ale. She wore a bright pink dress that revealed a lot, to say the least.

"Ale, it's nice to s-"

"Come! Persia is already waiting along with Erwing and Marcus!" She chirped, grabbing Octavias elbow and leading her to the side of the stage.

Smiling at Persia, Octavia went to embrace her in a small hug. Erwing and Marcus were fellow victors, but Octavia hardly knew them and only spoke to them once or twice.

"Let me," Persia muttered when they pulled away, pleading with Octavia. Sadly, she knew exactly what Persia was talking about.

"You have a whole life ahead of you, Tave. You have Adriana, please," she begged, a tear rolling down her tired and aged face.

"I'm sorry, Persia. But you don't deserve to die, and Adriana is seventeen, she'll be fine without me. Hell, she'll be better without me."

"Come, come! It's starting!" Ale was giddy, and Octavia restrained herself from slapping the escort who held no remorse.

Standing on the stage, the four District Five victors exchanged looks of grief and sorrow. One of them was guaranteed to die, likely two.

"Welcome, ladies and gentleman, to the reaping for the seventy-fifth annual Hunger Games and the third Quarter Quell!" Ale spoke into the microphone, all with the gracefulness Octavia could hardly muster.

Scanning the crowd, Octavia saw her sister in the third row, staring right at her. Ria smiled in her direction, a sad smile. A smile Octavia didn't want to see.

"As per usual, ladies first!"

Octavia reached over and gripped Persias hand in hers, a small gesture that said please. Please let her volunteer, or be chosen. Please.

"Persia Bla-"

"I volunteer as tribute!" Octavia stepped forward, swallowing harshly and walking to Ales side.

Ale nodded at her, a silent nod that said more than words ever could.

"And now, the men," she smiled at the crowd, before dipping a manicured hand into the bowl that hekd two cards.

"Erwing Cleaverson!" Ale said, and the square was silent as he stepped forward and looked to Octavia.

She was a good seven inches shorter than him, but he had gained weight since his games around twenty years ago, and clearly stood no chance as sad as it was.

As soon as Ale said the parting words, peacekeepers stormed up to Octavia and grabbed her arm, leading her to the train.

"What the fuck are you doi- ADRIANA?" She screamed as her sister was slapped by a guard, who felt the need to hit Ria for running after her. Adriana fell to the ground, her hand shaking as she pressed it to her cheek.

The peacekeeper continued to kick her in the ribs, and Adriana cried out in pain.

Grabbing the peacekeeper that held her, Octavia shoved him into the wall and threw her hand into his throat. The man in the suit made a choking noise, falling to the floor. She quickly ran to her sister, watching as the peacekeeper continued his assault on her.

"I'm gonna kill you, you bit-" she grabbed him by the back of the suir with both hands, ripping him away before jumping in him. She pinned his hands to the ground, reaching for the gun in his belt and clicking off the safety button.

"OCTAVIA!" Persia screamed, tackling her off of the peacekeeper.

She fought against Persia, watching the peacekeeper sit up and take his mask off, winded.

"Stop- STOP!" yelled Persia, pinning her to the stage.

"Im- I'm fine, let me see her," Octavia pleaded, gently pulling away from her former mentors hold and walking to her sister who now stood, holding her ribs.

"Im sorry, Ria. But you need to listen to me. When she gets back, Persia will take care of you, you will-"

"No, Tave. You're coming back, and thats the end of it," Adriana interrupted, pulling her sister into a quick hug.

"Go, you'll miss the train," she smiled, reaching to wipe the tear that fell from her older sisters eye.

Octavia gave her sister one last look, before turning, and coming face to face with the guard who injured her sister.

"You're lucky you're a victor, little girl," he hissed, grabbing her arm and beginning to escort her.

"I'm also a killer, so watch it," she snapped, escaping his hold. Then she turned and looked into his dead brown eyes.

And she spit.

She didn't bother to listen to his response, just walked to the train to find somewhere to lie down.

When she found a room suitable to her, she glanced at the fluffiness of the mattress and jumped onto it, sighing.

She didn't regret what she did, the peacekeeper had no intentions of stopping his repeated display of force in her sister. What irked her was that the games hadn't even started



its mothers day when im writing this, so happy mothers day to all of the beautiful, strong mothers out there:)

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