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The worst part was knowing that she had absolutely no control over what was happening.

Sometimes, she would just sit down with Katniss either in the empty dining hall or occasionally join her in the confined vents.

Other times, she layed next to Finnick. They hardly spoke to eachother, only layed next to eachother with their hands interlocked.

Now, Katniss, Finnick, and Octavia all sat in Octavias room, silent but peaceful.

Finnick was fiddling with a rope, tying and untying it. Octavia held a small piece of paper in her hand, a pencil in the other. She wrote on it, words and phrases that made her feel whole, that made her feel real.

The door suddenly burst open, and Haymitch popped his head through.

"They're back," he said, walking back out. Katniss was up first, followed by Octavia. They sprinted through corridors, looking for their loved ones.

"Johanna!" Octavia screamed, watching the girl rip off an IV.

She was frail, and skinny. Her hair was gone, and Octavia let out a loud cry.

She embraced her best friend in tight hug, sobs racking both of their bodies.

"W- where is she?" Octavia asked, and Johanna pointed her to a room across the hall.

She saw Finnick and Annie, who were sat next to eachother smiling. It made Octavia happy that her love had his best friend back.

She slammed the door open, the handle hitting the wall.

And there she was.

Adriana Whether was skinny, her formerly long hair now unevenly cut around her ear.

Octavia fell to her knees.

She couldn't find the power to walk, to even stand as she crawled to her sisters bedside.

"Ria, Ria!" She cried, feeling her sisters shaking hand run through Octavias hair.

"Tave," her weak, powerless voice mumbled.

Octavia stayed like that for awhile, her face dug into the soft mattress her sister layed on. Doctors bustled in and out, each one trying to coax her to stand. Octavia only growled out a vulgar response, refusing to leave her sister.

She must've fallen asleep, because she opened her eyes to feel herself being picked up by two strong hands around her waist.

She knew those hands, and smiled lazily as she turned around.

"Finnick," she said slowly, leaning over and pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek.

He wrapped his arms around her, a smile on his face.

"We got them back, Tave. Everything is going to be better now."

Octavia complained when Finnick tried to convince her to go take a shower and get some rest, refusing to leave Rias side. He eventually just took her into his arms, Octavia not having the energy to deny him.

He ran her a shower, putting the heat all the way up just as she liked it. She consented, allowing him to undress her and pull her into the shower.

There was nothing sexual about it, he simply stood by her side and helped wash her hair as she soaked all the tension and stress from her muscles. It was more intimate, it was him taking care of the girl he loved.

He helped her put on a pair of cotton pajamas, laying her down in her bed.

"Please don't go," she whispered as he went to leave to his own room.

"I-" her pleading look caused him to cave.

"Fine, okay," he mumbled, lifting the sheet and climbing in next to her. He pulled her back to him, shielding her from the outside.

Octavia leaned over, pressing her lips to his in a meaningful, modest kiss.

"I love you."

"And I love you."

She wasn't awake to hear his response.



second to last chater, the next one is going to be short, but special;)


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