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"What the fu-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Adriana-Rose!" Shouted Octavia Whether from the first level of the residence the sisters shared.

Unfortunately, only three years after Octavia was crowned victor of the Sixty-Sixth Hunger Games Anabelle Whether was pronounced dead of some cancerous diesease, leaving a distraught teenage Octavia to deal with a young Ria.

They'd done just fine on their own, with the stone home in the victors village and Persias occasional guidance, the siblings worked out all the kinks of their guardianship predicament.

A small pot with boiling water sat atop the wood stove, its contents holding some homeade noodles for the pasta Octavia was making.

Adriana stormed down the stairs, furious with her elder sister.

"You did not take the landline from my room!" Adriana spoke, eerily calm and serious. Octavia snorted, giving her a look that said of course I did.

"If you need to make a call," she went to strain the noodles in the sink, "You can use the main landline in the foyer."

"Yeah, like I'll ever get a chance to with you blabbing to Finnick or Vee all day," argued Ria, throwing her hands in the air.

Octavia and Veah still kept in touch, with Veah calling from the Capitol at exactly four o'clock on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Finnick and her, however, were quite an odd friendship. They initially met on Octavias victory tour- when she was only fourteen at the time. They spoke briefly, and a friendship had been blooming ever since. He typically called the most, wanting to speak to someone who understood the horrors of murder and betrayal more than anyone else had in their games.

There were still nights when Octavia would wake up screaming, mostly about Alix or Lindon. Adriana had learned it was best to leave her sister to herself at these times, because Octavia didn't like to show emotion and Adriana was no exception.

"Shut up about that, already," Octavia rolled her eyes, giving her sister a pointed stare.

"Don't think I don't know about that Lewis boy. He's trouble, Ria," Octavia said, pinning her sister with a parental stare that had Ria chewing her lip anxiously.

"Whatever- hey! The announcement is on," Ria shouted, running to the living room and plopping down on a sofa.

"This year, the third Quarter Quell," president Snows eerily calm voice filled the room, causing Octavia to shutter with hate.

She stood in front of the projector, arms crossed over her chest and just waiting for her tributes death sentence.

"The male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors!"

"No," her voice was small and defeated, her voice cracking against her will.

Adrianas mouth parted- but she was unable to form any words, just a sob that shook Octavia to her core, a sob of hatred and grief.

She couldn't take it, the games had almost physically and mentally killed her, to this day the thoughts of death and taking her own life still haunted her, degraded her. The only other female tribute was Persia, and Persis hardly deserved that fate.

She had bottled her emotions long enough, and it was time for president snow to pay, for what he did to her, for how he taunted her after she won her games, for how he simply murdered innocent children.

President Snow would pay, and it would be at her hands with her approval.


sorry for the short chapter- this is just an introduction to what's to come...:)

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