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"The forcefield- it's a dome. We're at the edge of the arena," Katniss spoke, pacing. Octavia ran a hand down her elbow, and Finnick glanced at her, silently asking if she was okay.

Octavia nodded at him, before speaking to Katniss.


"No signs of fresh water," Katniss said, and Octavia let out a sigh.

"Its gonna be night soon, we should set up camp. Take turns sleeping," Finnick said, running a hand over his face.

"I can take first watch," he offered, and Octavia only rolled her eyes when Katniss immediately shot it down.

"Sweetheart, that thing Finnick did back there was called saving lover boys life, if he, or I, wanted to kill you we would've done it by now," Octavia stated, twirling a knife in her hand as she raised her brow, challenging Katniss who only tightened her grip on her bow.

Finnick went to help Mags, while Octavia only stood and stared at Katniss.

Watching the girl sit down against a tree, Octavia approached and sat next to her.

"I'm sorry about being a bitch," Octavia said slowly, the words somewhat true but only to an extent.

"But I'm not sorry for protecting Finnick. He's- all I have besides my sister. I think you can relate."

A tiny smile formed on Katniss' lips at the mention of her sister.

"I can."

"And I understand, why you're a bitch. My games were horrible, I can't sleep anymore. But your games- the betrayal, the lies, I cant imagine," Katniss sympathized, her words having a bigger effect on Octavia then she thought.

Octavia only smiled softly, her chapped lips rubbing against eachother painfully.

She watched Finnick walk over after helping Mags lie down, offering a hand which she took before standing. He squeezed her hand reassuringly, and she appreciated it more than he'd ever know.

He lead her to a different tree, letting her sit next to him. She tried to stay awake, but eventually the dehydration and tiredness lulled her to sleep.


Octavia awoke to the humming of a parachute, moving slightly as Finnick gently pushed her head and arm off of him.

She watched, her vision spotty from both the blood she'd lost from her wound which had clotted awhile ago and the overwhelming sense to sleep, as two parachutes landed. One in front of her, and the other near Katniss.

She beard Katniss and Finnick in the backround speaking, but only focused on hers as she cracked it open.

Inside was a small tin and some gauze wrap, a tiny note set neatly on top.

You know what you need to do. Keep going.



Octavia smiled slightly, opening the tin and shoving her fingers into the cream, before gently applying it to her cut. She hissed, letting out a tiny cry before quickly wrapping it up.

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