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Octavia Odair sat on the sandy beach of District Four, her legs crossed as the waves tickled her feet.

In front of her was a piece of lined paper and a pen, the paper blank as she clicked the pen on and off.

She sighed, looking up at the clear, blue sky above her. Birds chirped, children were laughing, and people were enjoying the pleasentries the beach had to offer. This was what she had always dreamed of, what she and Finnick had wanted.

Octavia had finally found the right words, and she didn't waste and time as she fluidly moved her pen across the paper.

Dear Katniss and Peeta,

I hope that this letter finds you well. It took me a damn long time to find the words, but I think I've figured this whole letter thing out. It's quite unfortunate sarcasm is of no use through pen and paper.

Adriana and I spent around a month in District Five, but grew bored and impatient sooner than we thought. That and the news of my pregnancy were the deciding factors.

We now have resided in District Four for the past five years, my sister and I along with my two children.

Yes, Everdeen you read that right. Two. Two mini Finnicks, both of them with his bronze hair and my hazel eyes, as you can see in the attatched photo. Anabelle Primrose Odair, after my mother and your generous, kind hearted sister. And the boy, Finnigan Chole Odair. I couldn't bring myself to name him Finnick- so I chose the next best thing.

I've accepted that Finnick was my soulmate, my one epic love. I've also accepted that my life will be solely dedicated to my children, as they grow and become the strong independant adults that you may know something about. I'm hoping that you and Peeta have figured your differences out, and are back to normal, or as normal you can be.

When I found out about Persia's death, it both broke me and made me realize how much I missed her presence. She had used her connections to help take down the capitol from within, but passed and was executed by peacekeepers when they found of her betrayal.

I used to dream of death and tragedy, and sometimes I still do. But I also dream of good, of the good that we have experienced and the good I can promise is to come.

My nightmares were once a reality, but I think we can all say that they now stay confined to that of which is in our head.

Our nightmare, our constant worry, has burnt out, and one day we will tell our children the stories of the monsterous games, of what we have done to simply survive.

But for now, we can only live. We can thrive on eachother, and in the glory of a world that is now left better than how we found it.

I sincerely hope that you find the good, and latch onto it. Both of you, because it is there.

With all my love,

-Octavia Odair

She signed her name, dropping her pen into the sand and folding the letter into a small envelope.

"Mommy, mommy!" A little girl ran up to her, a wide smile that showcased her missing front tooth adorning her face.

"Look!" She thrust a seashell into the hands of Octavia, who gasped and laughed at her daughter.

"We'll have to add it to the collection, Bell!" She smiled, setting it down on to the sand.

A little boy came running up, tackling Octavia from behind.

"Finn!" She grinned, grabbing the boy who was wearing only a pair of swim trunks in her arms.

She held him, trudging towards the water before throwing him in, watching him kick to the surface. A swimmer, just like his dad.

Anabelle joined them, swimming out to where Octavia stood in the waist deep water. Adriana eventually joined, finishing writing a letter of her own to none other than Johanna Mason, who she had found a more intimate connection with.

The little family of four splashed and swam until the sun set, and Octavia forced them back to their home.

She looked up at the sky, the orange and reds bright as they left a warm light over the house Octavia had used both her own and Finnicks funds to build, just as he once promised to her.

Octavias nightmares were once a reality, they once swallowed her whole and made her lose hope. But it was different now, it was better.

There was good. And finally, after years of waiting, she had found it.



this has been.. an amazing experience. nightmare is now completed, it is finished.

i want to thank my lovely readers for helping me through this journey. i love you all and hope you enjoyed this as much as i did:)

i also wanted to add that i absolutely love when you guys message me. it makes me so incredibly happy. it doesn't have to be about my book, it can be about anything. if you're struggling, let me know! i love to interact with you guys!!

anyways, i have another completed stranger things story on my page if you'd be interested in that:)

goodbye for now,


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