The 10 months of agony begin and meeting Uraraka

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In the first month Izuku learned to summon the bones at will and got stronger physically.

In that month a new student came into their class.

"We have a new student today."

A girl came in.

"Hi! My name is Uraraka Ochaco. My quirk is zero gravity. If I use it too much I end up getting sick."

After class was finished Izuku was walking home. He put on his green sweater and used the hood. He saw the girl from earlier with Bakugo he seemed like he was bullying her. Izuku casually walked over.

"Hey Bakugo, you know that this is going to be on your record."

"Shut up damn Deku!" He charged at Izuku. Izuku dodged and used bones to capture him. He walked over to Uraraka.

"You ok?" Izuku asked her.

"Yeah. What are you going to do with him?" She pointed to Bakugo.

"I'll let him go." He makes the bones go down. Bakugo just scoffs and leaves.

"What's your name?" Uraraka asked Izuku.

"My name is Midoriya Izuku." Izuku responded. "Need help getting home? I can fly you there."

"You can fly?"

"Not exactly. I have a type of pet."

"Can I see it?"

"Yeah let me call him." Izuku whistles. A few seconds later the G.B. came. "This is my pet. His name is G.B. I accidentally summoned him one month ago. I was trying to make a new attack but, I accidentally gave the summon too much life." Izuku climbed on top of it. "As I was saying, need help getting home?"

"Yeah, thanks." Izuku helped her on.

"Just tell us where you live and G.B. will follow your directions." Uraraka told them. G.B. flew up and took off. Izuku was standing on the front of it. The wind blew off his hood. Revealing his greenish hair. It was blowing in the wind. Uraraka didn't realize she was staring until they finally landed.

"You okay?" Izuku asked her. She blushed and responded.

"Y-y-yeah, just a little shocked about the speed."

"We didn't even go that fast. Alright we're here." He jumped off and helped her down. He realized his hood was off so he put it back on. "I'll see you at school tomorrow. Oh, by the way do you want me to take you to school tomorrow as well?"

"Yeah, thanks. Oh, here's my phone number so that you can call me when you're here."

"Alright, bye." Before Izuku was able to leave Sans appeared.

"Kid, I told you about not slacking off on your-  oh, is that your girlfriend? You never told me." Both Uraraka and Midoriya flushed red.

"N-N-No. I was just helping her get home."

"A true gentleman." Midoriya got even more red. "Anyway, I have to properly introduce myself. The name's Sans." He teleported in front of Uraraka and stuck out his hand for her to shake. She shook it and a fart sound was heard.

"Not again Sans!" Izuku yelled at him. Uraraka started to laugh.

"See at least she has a sense of humor." Sans said.

"No it's not that. It's just that you two act like brothers."

"Anyway, let's get back to training." Sans said.

"Alright. G.B. go back home. I'll see you there." Izuku started walking over to Sans.

"Can I go with you guys? I don't have anything to do. I also need to train my quirk."

"Alright, Kiddo. Kid your girlfriend is coming along."

""We're not dating!"" They both exclaimed with their faces red.

"Not yet at least." Uraraka mumbled to herself. Only Sans heard her.

Sans smirked and said, "Here we go." He grabbed both their shoulders and teleported to the beach. Izuku then continued to traitor the rest of the 9 months.

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