Chapter 11

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Giselle's eyes danced as she stared at the ceiling. She could find patterns and shapes and made them move and dance across the ceiling. She hadn't realized how much time was passing by but she her aching stomach told her it was time to eat.

She ignored it and continue to find shapes.

She heard Chris wake up and go downstairs for his usual shake. She still thought that green stuff he put in them was disgusting. He had checked on her after a while, knocking on the door asking if she was up and hungry. And she gave him the usual reply.

"I'm not hungry."

And that was the end of it.

Giselle wasn't sure what to do anymore. She felt sick when she ate, she felt hungry when she didn't. T.V produced nothing truly intriguing anymore, just a bunch if garbage that Giselle got tired of after a couple of days. She didn't have any books and reading on Wattpad became tiresome and disappointing as all her favorite authors stop posting or started posting junk.

Time just seemed to groggily trudge by Giselle. Soon Giselle would start school and she wasn't sure if she had the motivation anymore to actually do good.

She pushed any feeling to a deep dark part inside her that left her vacant. She didn't want to cry in the middle of the night anymore or get her hopes up about anything good happening to her.

Finally, her stomach couldn't take anymore abuse and led her downstairs to the kitchen. Giselle opened the fridge and ended up fixing herself a peanut butter and jelly. As she ate it on the bar the door bell rang....and then it rang again. And then again until Chris came downstairs sluggishly and gave Giselle a look that said "you couldn't get that?"

Giselle ignored it and continued eating. She heard a huge greeting a familiar voice that sounded energetic. Chris made protest to the guest as they both loudly made their way to the kitchen.

"So where's the niece?"

"She's in the kitchen, why are you here?"

"What? I can't visit family every once in a while?"

"You could have called first!"

"I did,"

"No, you didn't,"

"Oh then I must have forgotten,"

Alek strode into the kitchen with a grin on his face while Chris struggled to keep up with him. Giselle didn't even think that he would say anything to her but his first moments of actions were greetings to her.

"Hey! What are you doing in pajamas?" He looked at her up and down with amusement in his eyes

Giselle looked at her clothes in some what embarrassment. Was she supposed to be in anything else?

"It's mid day and your going out!" Alek informed her

Giselle's eyes widened and she glanced at Chris for conformation. He looked just as dumbfounded as she was.

"Your old man didn't tell you?" Alek smiled and gestured to Chris

Chris shoved Alek's hand away from him and scowled "You never told me. And I'm not an old man."

"Well your going out!" Alek clapped his hands together

"Where?" Giselle asked

"Just a day on the town with me," Alek smiled gesturing to himself

Giselle had been dragged around by spontaneous impulse by a Baez before. She admitted to herself that she had fun and she couldn't wait to actual showcase she new clothes and shoes but going out again would be leaving her comfort zone.

"What do you say?" Alek's grinned

But Giselle couldn't deny that mysterious glimmer and intrigued smile that Alek possessed. She remembered the fun she had with him at the restaurant. Alek was fun and care free. She found herself mirroring the famous Baez smile back at Alek.

"Sure," she smiled


"You heard the lady Chris!" Alek interjected. He started pushing Chris away toward the living room

Giselle hopped off the bar chair and made her way to the stairs. She felt excitement bubbling inside her as well as nervousness.

"Dress nice Giselle! People will be looking!" Alek called

Giselle smiled at him and ran upstairs.

"Don'twaituponusbye!" Alek called to Chris as he shut the door behind him

Giselle clicked the heels of her new turquoise sandals behind Alek. He popped the collar of his burgundy collared shirt. He smiled at Giselle and they walked together to his car.

Giselle stopped in her tracks when she saw Alek's car.

"You have a red convertible?" She gaped

Alek looked at his car like he just noticed "Oh, yeah. I kinda just got rid of the top."

Giselle smirked as she stepped into his car. The seats were warm from the heat and Alek casually put his keys in the ignition and pulled out the drive way. Giselle couldn't believe she was even outside the house until they exited the neighborhood in a hast.

"Where are we going?" Giselle asked squinting in the sun

Alek put on shades that seemed to appear out of no where and smiled "You'll see,"

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