Chapter 2: Blood Moon

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--------------Three Years Ago---------------

Ciri sat in a chair, eating a slice of watermelon. She leaned back, watermelon juices sliding down her wrists to her arm. Her eyes were shut closed, the room dimly lit.

Ciri was disturbed by a rumble and a commotion outside the Knights of the Nine's quarters. She went to the door, no doubt intrigued, and saw an elf appear. The elf wore mage robes and was hooded, some sand slid off his shoulders. He quickly made his way to Ciri and shut the door.

'Excuse me!?' Ciri nearly yelled.

'Quiet, Cirilla. For I have already drawn too much attention to myself.' The elf said, pulling off his hood to reveal long grey dreadlocks.

'How do you know me?' Ciri asked as she stood still at the door.

'Derek, I fear he is in trouble. Your king, my dear, has set humans against nonhumans. As you can see, I am elf. Me and Derek were in Marakkana when the army took us aboard a ship to, no doubt, sail to Trigiot. I, as I am a mage, teleported out of the grasp of man and came here. So here we are now, you're all caught up!'

'Who are you?' Ciri said, not believing a thing the elf said.

'Ciri, can you not tell?' The elf asked as he spread his arms out, acting like Ciri should know. 'Quinlan! He never spoke about me? Never told you about the time we found ourselves in a damned vampire breeding ground and if it wasn't for me we would be dead and you would've never met him?' Ciri shook her head. 'Ah, sod it all. Well, Ciri I have to lay low for a year or two, I sure we'll get along just fine.'

Ciri was confused as hell. The elven mage, Quinlan, chose a room, no doubt the master bedroom once occupied by Derek and Ciri, and shut the door behind him. Ciri walked over to peer out of the front window to see the remains of the crowd begin to despair.

The elf came out of the room quickly, wearing something completely out of elven style - no less a mages style - and found himself in a chair. He muttered a spell and a drink appeared ahead of him. Ciri looked over at the elf and saw his ears were illusionary to make him seem like a human.

Ciri sat a chair next to Quinlan and finished off the remains of some apple juice.

'No doubt some squadron of elitists are bound to examine this... hole.' The elf said, clutching the magic drink in hand.

'Due to your scene. And, I doubt William would care about a little spark down in the suburbs.'

'Your word, I shall trust, for you know more about these humans than I do.'

Ciri, still with the look of confusion on her face, offered a chocolate cookie to the elf, whom he gradually accepted. She sat opposite Quinlan, the smell of wax swam across the kitchen. The elf suddenly took himself up and waltzed to the master bedroom, locking the door once again.

'Hey!' Ciri called out as she placed her fist into the door.

'Quiet, Cirilla. Four men, armed with pitchforks and axes approach the door, they won't listen to you and search the room, therefore - after you kill them - we leave for the Tria Crossing.' Quinlan said, Ciri could hear the elf rummaging around.

'What're you on about, I don't even kno-'

The door began shaking with pounds, like an aggitated grizzly bear had been awoken from its slumber. Ciri hesitated, thinking it could be a trick from the elf, but she ran over to the door and opened it.

'Oi, wench! A mage 'pear here, huh? We's got ta butcher the wretch!' One of the bandits said, his wrinkled face looked like it was about to crack from the movement of his mouth.

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