Chapter 10: Of Fire & Blood

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The elves waited in the trees, watching as an escort of merchants made their way down a dirt path. Four guardsmen with two merchants and a wagon, an easy target for a militia of Sili'otia. The elves all took out their bows like they were on que, arrows drawn out of their quivers, all knocked on.

One whistle is all it took, every human dropped dead like a sack of potatoes. The elves dropped from the trees and began clearing the corpses off the road, they managed to take hold of the horses easily and move them into the thick forest. The elves hooked the reins around a tree and left them to go back to their ambush spot.

The elves climbed back up the tree and stationed themselves for the upcoming human transport. It was five men walking down in heavy knight armour. One had a decent sized beard with long blond hair wrapped in a ponytail. Another had short brown hair with a moustache that grew from his nose. The next knight, a woman, had ashen-hair, a scar on her left cheek that healed beautifully, she held her sword on her back. The next two knights looked like they did not belong at all, they were clumsy, drunk, and talking very loudly - maybe they were singing.

The elves drew their bows and knocked an arrow onto the string, they aimed at the dead center of the chest on each knight. One whistle was all it took, all five knights dropped dead like a sack of potatoes. All the elves dropped from the trees and began to move the corpses, no blood smeared, it didn't smell like blood. It smelt like Borden wine.

'Aguish!' An elf yelled as a sword stuck through his gut.

All five knights stood up and wielded their swords greatly. The elves were astonished so much that they were stuck, could not move. The knight with the ponytail danced around, slicing the throats of two elves in one glide. The, older, brown haired man blasted fire from his left hand, burning an elf to a bloody smear and ash. The woman knight teleported behind three elves and killed each with a strong horizontal swipe. The two, drunk, knights danced clumsily, ending up with them falling to the ground.

'Derek, the Princes!' Felix called out as he held two elves at bay.

Derek, the bearded ponytailed knight, rolled over to Negan and Red as a sword nicked through the chainmail and immobilized Negan. The Prince screamed in anguish, kicking the elf's shins. Derek dismembered the elf's waist from his torso. He helped up the Knight that was pricked in the shoulder and moved him over to the thick woods.

Ciri, the ashen-haired knight, deflected two arrows that flew over towards her. She smiled a wide, deadly and violent smile while she charged after the two elves. Ciri lolled to the left then juked to the right, causing one elf to fall to his knees. Ciri deflected an incoming dagger and sliced an arm clean off. Next was the head of the fallen elf, the head whirled about in the air for a second then fell. The ashen-haired knight teleported over to Felix to defend his back from an incoming elf.

Felix strong armed an elf into a tree then beat the elf until only his bottom teeth and a few upper teeth remained. Ciri danced like a pro, immortalizing her figure in the elf's eyes before he died.

The elven military unit stationed in the woods at the Scandorian border perished. Derek rounded up his knights; Ciri, Felix, Negan and Red.

'That was fuckin' hazy!' Red laughed as he patted his brothers wounded shoulder.

'Ouch, you daft bugger!'

'Quinlan said the next village, Fidar, was recently ransacked by Mistle's crew. Let's clean up this mess of bodies and make haste.' Derek said as he picked up an elven corpse, its hand cleanly cut from his wrist.

The blades of grass began to bend by wind, wind picked up madly. The trees croaked as they were pushed by the strong gusts. Ciri dropped the body she was moving and drew her sword.

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