Chapter 14: The Beast Made of Steel

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The sand stuck to their boots with each release from the ground. The undergrowth a day behind them, the water, the cool water. Ciri and Felix could only dream of coming to another pond in the desert.

Felix was in the lead, sword in hand like he was expecting something to attack him. Ciri was behind him by a few steps, she had Kelpie to drag along as the horse was drained of energy.

One canteen was already dry at the bottom, it was Negan's. Felix uncapped his bottle and swallowed down some warm water, he swished it around before clearing his throat. Felix felt rejuvenated, but only for a minute.

Ciri was certain that they were going to reach the shoreline that led to Udgard. Every time she looked forwards towards the sun, she swore she saw the edge of the sand. Ciri was wrong, each and every time the line seemed to get longer, like it was an illusion.

'Maybe that's what it is, an illusion.' Ciri thought to herself while grimacing as her wounds became apparent again.

Felix couldn't help himself, he had to take another drink of water. It was like a drug in this desert, one gulp and you're addicted and drinking your only chance of survival away. Felix held the canteen in his hand for a moment, uncapped it then drank long.

'Hey! Stop it!' Ciri pulled the bottle out of Felix's hands and tied it to Kelpie. 'If we plan on reaching the shore tonight... we're going to need water.'

'Yea, I'm sorry. Just this-this fucking desert! It's really makin' me realize how important water is. It's like a drug and I can't force myself to stop.' Felix stopped moving as hard winds picked up.

If there were trees they would've been bending over and creaking due to the strong winds. The sand began to shift and spit at Ciri and Felix and Kelpie. The horse stamped her feet around in annoyance, Ciri calming her down by brushes that were ignored by the mare.

A green portal opened just ahead of the two - plus the horse. The steel plated elf came out of the portal, mace in hand and his enchantments glowing bright with the sun. It was Gend-El and this time he did not look to speak.

Felix unsheathed his sword, the blade scorched with blotches via the sun. Ciri did the same, her sword - Zireael - was fine, it was even sharpened.

Gend-El charged in throwing his mace towards Felix. The Knight dodged epicly, he tried to counter but the enchantments blasted him away, knocking Felix into Kelpie. The canteen that was tied to the saddle ripped off and the contents inside spilled all over his face.

Ciri was running in, slower than her average pace due to the sand. She went for a horizontal strike then, once when Gend-El shifted his arm to deflect the blade, Ciri teleported behind the elf and jumped up to him. She tried to pull the steel plated helmet off but it wouldn't budge.

Gend-El yelled through his helmet and grabbed Ciri, he threw her to the ground and swung his mace down. Ciri rolled out of the way just in time, the mace spitting sand into her face. Felix was back to his feet and dripping with water and sweat. He rushed in and deflected the mace a few times before countering a blow that would have killed him. Felix took the hilt in his left hand and stabbed the blade into Gend-El's armpit.

The armour did not guard the elf from the blade. It pierced right through and Gend-El began to bleed. Ciri teleported onto Gend-El's back, the helmet edge was exposed. She pulled off the helmet elegantly and revealed the head of the steel plated elf.

He had one eye, his right eye socket patchy and dark red. The elf  had scars running down his cheek and his forehead. His hair was white and long, his hairline was tugged forward and looked, ultimately, ugly.

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