Chapter 21: The Last Voyage

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Ciri, Felix and Kyrus sat next to each other at the inn in the town of Borden, drinking fine cheap wine. Each preparing their thoughts for their own separation. Ciri had Derek's final wish to look after. Felix decided he would venture southeast to Redmire - the city in reconstruction - to collect the payment of the contract the Knights of the Nine were given. Kyrus was off for Marakana as there were rumours of contracts being issued out to any noble warriors.

Felix stood up and rubbed his leg that was severely broken a few months ago and handed the innkeep his mug. 'I'm off now, my friends. After I collect the coin I'll return here to keep the headquarters clean and dusted. Always know you two are welcome here anytime, no matter any circumstances.'

'I've naught the plan to return to Borden, Felix. After I take a few jobs in Marakana, I'm taking Audrey and plan on living there happily.' Kyrus poured some more wine into his cup.

'And what do you plan on doing after your quest, Ciri?' Felix tossed on a pack.

'I, too, won't be coming back to Borden. In fact, I plan on leaving Condor for good.'

'What do you mean?'

'I'm gonna leave this world. Maybe return back to my home world and visit my family or... just travel.' Ciri kept her gaze on the tabletop.

Felix nodded although nobody eyed it. 'Well, doors always open to you, girl. And I'm positive Condor would love to have you visit sometime.'

'Of course I'll visit, Felix.' All went quiet as the new leader of the Knights of the Nine left the inn.

Just as the door slowly shut itself, it threw open again to three people. The one in the front had long sideburns and balding hair the went down to his shoulder, he wore a black fur coat with a crossbow strapped around his back. The next two looked the same, mohawks and shirtless with a vest on and battleaxes for their weapons.

'Welcome to my humble abode, clam chowder is on sale for two coins, along with de la Cour Wine.' The innkeep spoke aloud as he washed Felix's mug clean.

'How 'bout vodka? We'd like vodka for now, mate. And mayhaps one of yous can answer a question I have?' The leader of the group cleared his throat. 'Rumour is that the esteemed Derek Vanvleet has died.'

Kyrus quickly turned to face Ciri as she stood up and slammed down a shot of wine straight from the bottle.

'Who's asking?' Ciri asked as she let the bottle slip from her hand onto the table the gang sat at.

'An old, old friend. One he considered a foe, but I never meant any harm to him.'

'Do us all a favour and toss that mysterious bullshit out the door. Who are you.' Ciri looked the man dead in the eyes, noticing his face was littered with scars.

'Ah, fine. Dirge knew me by Joekem. Now as a mem-'

'You're the werebear!?' Ciri laughed aloud.

All of the inn residents were now frozen still as to what they heard.

'Aha, the lass is drunk outta her mind!' Joekem looked at every one of the people, still giving them an evil grimace. 'Yes, that's me. This is Uthin and Olgeird; my brothers by blood. Now, is my old friend actually dead or are the rumours pulling my tail?'

Ciri went quiet for awhile.

'They say he died killing King Aldir, is that true?'

Ciri nodded as she took the bottle of vodka and downed half the bottle.

'At least he died honorably... unlike Brandy and-and the others.' Joekem scratched his knotted beard with his long nails. 'Let's drink to his memory! He was a damned good man, I say, a damned good man.'

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