Chapter 9: The Knights of the Nine

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Ciri watched as the stars shifted along in the blackened sky, the wind howling from time to time. She spotted many constellations, Orion, Scorpion, and also a shooting star. It glittered it's way through to the horizon line then vanished. Orion had disappeared, as did the Scorpion, all stars were gone. Ciri sat up and looked towards the fire that lit the field she lay in.

The elf in steel plate armour was approaching the flames, Quinlan in company. Ciri quickly acted asleep as to eavesdrop on the two elves conversation.

'I've but no need to concede with her. If Sili'otia forces begin to invade Balewood my plan will thus fail. You, Gend-El, must call off the torching of the city before you... you fuck everything up.' Quinlan said as he looked through the blades of grass to see his sleeping comrades.

'Promies to me, nay, to the Master Neloth that you are doing this plan to help Aen Quill, Aen Seil, the damn Elven Realms! Promies, Quinlan.' Gend-El summoned a blue orb within his palms. 'Grasp into my palm if you swear.'

Quinlan, without hesitation, placed his hands into the orb causing the fire to dim out. 'Now leave and stop the attack before it is too late.'

The elf in full steel plate teleported away along with the orb, causing a bit of wind to turbulence the grass and brush. Quinlan leaned up against a mighty oak and let his blond dreadlocks drift down the bark. Ciri sat up, slouching and glancing over towards the elf.

'I assume you've heard all of our conversation?' Quinlan asked.

Ciri stood up out of the tall grass and walked over towards the great oak. 'Maybe not all, but I'm certain I heard majority of it. I've seen that elf before, Quinlan. He damn well nearly killed me, beat me to a pulp! What are you-'

'It is about the war, miss Cirilla. An ambush was setting outside Balewood, Gend-El, the elven knight, wanted me to kill all of you. Specifically you, hence you hold mass powers, other worldly abilities. I declined, being the higher power above Gend-El, I ordered him to stand down but he needed my strongest will to be with him. My word,' Quinlan picked up an ant that was crawling around on his forearm and squished it. 'I gave my word into the orb and sent him off. Unfortunately... I must abandon you and Felix. Tonight. I must seek guidance on Derek's wellbeing, make sure he is not pursued by the Sili'otia. Make sure Derek will get into safe hands, those hands being elven.'

'I don't like it.' A voice, heavy with bass, shuttered. 'I say you continue on your path.' A sword unsheathed, the blade could he heard whirling about.

Ciri pulled out her sword, gripped it in her right hand. 'Who're you?'

The heavy bass moved out into the field, out from the shadows of the giant oaks. 'Lord Guldoff of Academe. I was ordered to find an ashen-haired woman that was last spotted at the Scandorian border. Luckily, thanks to these elven whores, your journey took a halt, allowing me to catch up.'

'Blah blah, Lord... Gulduff or whatever,' Felix, now awake, came up from behind the heavy bass man. 'You're not taking her anywhere, no matter the occasion.'

'It's not by my word, but from my lady Queen Catriona's word.' Lord Guldoff said, he voice booming against the night sky and great oaks.

Ciri slowly sheathed her sword. 'What does Catriona want with me?'

'My lady sent me to acquire you via force as she thought you were captured by Sili'otia. That's obviously wrong as there is only one damned elf in your company, others all man.'

'You still haven't answered the question, Lord Goldoff.' Felix said still in his grave stance.

'Lord Guldoff, monsieur. My Queen has sent me because an apparent man named... Derek Vanvleet of Scandoria, notably knighted by Queen Svanda in the year 1234 due to his duties of defeating the Gonderetians and the summoned Darkness, has requested you be brought to him for requisition of the guild The Knights of the Nine.'

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