Chapter 5: The Pursuit

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The elven mage emerged from a portal, his face soaked in red and his vision blurred. He fell to his knees and screamed loudly to the night sky.

The elf teleported to Aen Quill, the home of the rebellious elven group known as the Sili'otia. The nearby guards heard his cries and arrived to see a little bloody massacre. The elven mage had lost an eye, his arm had been broken as well.

A familiar elven mage ran over and casted a sleeping spell on the mage, sending him into a deep sleep.

'Take him to Qu'mai, once he wakes send him to me. He must learn how to use magic without an eye... or, in other words, he must open his third eye.' The familiar mage said as he left the scene.

Before the guard could answer the elf was gone. They dragged the sleeping mage to Qu'mai, the hospital. The guards left the one-eyed elf in the medics hands.


The door peaked open, light gleamed in disrupting the elf. Quinlan sat up from his bed and welcomes his guest in. The elf, Quinlan, set a chair for his friend and allowed him to sit.

'Remove the eyepatch.' Quinlan moved his hand to point to the piece of cloth covering the elven mages left eye.

The elf did so.

'Good. Cast a simple location zone, send me the whereabouts of you.'

The elven mage concentrated hard, his hand slowly vibrating. He tried for a minute before slamming his fist into the table.

'Gaewhyn!' The mage yelled in frustration.

'Calm down. Try casting a cooling spell on the candle.' Quinlan lit up a candle and set it up on the table.

The elven mage arranged his fingers and muttered a few words. Nothing happened. He tried again. Nothing.

'Once more, take your time.'

The elf muttered the words again, this time he held his hand and rearranged his fingers quickly. The flame fluttered, but was still lit.

'I'm pitiful.'

'Don't say that. Ever heard of the mage titled Va'htrn?'

'A master. Studied his work many times.' The elven mage said, placing the cloth back into his eye socket.

'Yes. He had lost both his eyes during one of his experiments. Both eyes.'

The elf fell silent.

'You can do this, but first... reminisce about last night, the new year of humans.'

'We stormed the village, we killed the civilians on order. Then a small group of soldiers come along and we kill them quick... too quick.'

'How so?' Quinlan asked, lighting a pipe.

'Like they were told to die, like they were a scapegoat,' the elf paused. 'Then these two humans rush in, I ordered them dead. These two faught like the Felkirds, I've never seen someone kill three beings in one swing. They swung around, killing my fleet quick. I managed to get the girl, threw her into a burning hut, she got out before I could capture her.'

The room fell silent, the mage padding his socket.

'Continue.' Quinlan ordered on.

'I got back to her and beat her bloody, then sent her into a trance to ooze her down. Her friend rushed in and knocked me down before I could summon a portal back here. The warrior summoned... he summoned the fires of Dol Angra,' Quinlan's eyes widened. 'He pulled the girl in and then emerged from the flames, his sword hotter than hell. My brothers and sisters didn't last long, they perished like a mouse to a cat. The girl wasn't aware I was behind her so I kicked her down and tried to paralyze her but her friend threw his sword down on my armour - it deflected the blow of course. He found out it was enchanted and broke my arm, pulled off my helmet then stabbed my eye out. I screamed in pain, tossed up a portal and...'

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