Chapter 8: Betrayed

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Everybody screamed and rushed towards the exit door, pushing others over as they did. The bathhouse, once overwhelming with folks seeking a chat with the Pride Princes, now was stale and abandoned. Just two people took foothold in the middle baths, both elves - yet one under illusion.

'Gend-El? What in blazes are you doing here?' Quinlan, the elf under illusion, asked as a pillar of the tub crumbled down.

Gend-El cleaned himself clear of the dust and rubble and rubbed his empty eye socket free of a scab. 'I'm asking you the same question, Gwehnheil.'

'Gwehnheil? Sudia el-lé undia das Underheil.' Quinlan responded back in full elven.

'Just because back in Aen Quill you over rule me doesn't mean that, in here, you can do so too. But I ask you, as Gwehnheil to Gwehnheil... what are you doing here?' Gend-El puffed up at Quinlan.

'Business that doesn't involve you, Gend-El. Teleport back to camp before the local guardsmen arrive.'

Gend-El ferociously shook his dampened head. He walked behind Quinlan and saw a body of a man, his head had been crushed by a fallen pillar.

'Gend-El!' Quinlan demanded his attention.

'Quinlan? I'll leave with you in tow.'

'Not an opt-'

'I see you're under illusion, friend. So what type of "business" are you here for then?'

Quinlan chose his words carefully. 'Master Neloth sent me a message as we arrived at the Urdian Pass, my eyes only. You have no authority to move on past that point, Gend-El.'

'So be it.'


'Gods, what the fucking fuck happened out there?' Red asked himself as he pushed the woman off his lap. 'Why'd she collapse just before this shite happened?'

Felix helped a girl up off the wet floor, she was completely naked as was Felix. 'Shhh, we mustn't leave this room, speak too loud, or move too much. We listen for the cause of the explosion.'

'Does she have anything to do with this?' Negan asked as he pointed his finger to the fainted Cirilla.

'Who even is that wench?' Red sat back down on the bench, wiping his towel clear of the dust that had fallen.

'She's got nothing to do with this. We've, most likely, found ourselves in an elven attack.' Felix said offering the lass a towel to cover up.

'An elven attack? Fuckin' 'ell, they're after us, Red.' Negan lifted up Ciri and planted her on the bench.

'Aye, brother. Though, this ain't the first time we've been caught with our cocks out, he-he.' Red said as he kicked a stone slab and out came swords of all kinds.

Claymores, great swords, short swords, swords, and a dagger were all stuffed into one tiny chest hidden amongst the wall of the private baths in the Balewood bathhouse. Red, being the first to take a weapon, took the great sword and offered his brother and Felix a weapon of choice. Felix took the normal sword, while Negan took the claymore.

'Let's quiet down, now.' Felix hushed his voice and leaned against the door.

'Negan, you've got the key to lock that shite up?' Red pointed to the door.

'Mhm. Gimmie a moment.'

With the door locked, everyone settled down as it was just four women and two boys in the private baths. Nothing could be heard through the stone walls.

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