Chapter 17: Sadism

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The Humbolt was checked into the harbor at eleven o'clock in the morning. The sails were tied up, the anchor flushed into the sea. Seagulls already called the ship home to their droppings and their fish they caught from the waters.

A Roughneck greeted the four sailors that came off the deck, he had an eyepatch and a scar running down from his eyebrow to his upper lip. 'Kyrus? Where is Sully?' The Roughneck asked, his deep voice held heavy bass.

Kyrus shook his head, his dark brown locks kept on covering his eyes. 'He didn't make it. Sorry, colonel.'

Felix was pulling some shrimp barrels off the deck and selling then for a fair price. Derek and Ciri were already deep inside the city of Udgard, no doubt looking for an inn they can stay at.

Colonel Vorhees pulled off his eyepatch to reveal an empty eye socket. 'That's... hard to believe, Kyrus. Go on, get some rest. I'm sure the waves were ruthlessly high those days.'

'No sir. I'd like to see my family and King Kahn.'

'I understand. King Kahn may not be excited about your return. Whilst you were departed, there was an assassination attempt that ended up killing his bestfriend, the cook, and severely wounding his forearm. But, he is the strongest man I've known, he will either tell you to piss off or welcome you with an ale. Godspeed.'

Kyrus nodded and made his way through the port-city, up to the heavily guarded Kings House. It seemed the guard has doubled due to the assassination attempt, that wouldn't be helpful to the Knights as they, too, were trying to kill the one on the throne.

The doors thundered open, causing everyone to look upon the drained Kyrus. Mouths gaped, the smell of foul food and dried blood filled the aroma. Kyrus felt like gagging but kept it professional. He approached the King, who was very, very drunk.

'Cyrus! My fren', how's ous 'ere?' The stench of vomit emitted from his, sluggish mouth.

'We were attacked by the elves at the shore of the Jagged Ridge. Sully Roman didn't live to tell the tale.'

Kahn went silent for a second before throwing his mug of ale onto the wooden floor. 'For fucks sake! An't 'e see I'msh... I'msh tire...d of fuckin' weeping? Helana, Hanna, whatever y-yoursh whore 'ame ish, get the Dwarvesh and Elvsh fro-rom the cells!'

Helana, or Hanna, stood up from the table and rushed down to the basement of the Kings House. She came back with two Dwarves and three Elves interlocked with chains around their ankles and wrists.

'Good fackin' jobsh, you sl-slut! Executioner? 'Ello, wheresh my-my executioner!?' Kahn called out before a dark skinned bearded man came out from the upstairs of the Kings House.

Kyrus took a step back as Helana or Hanna pushed a Dwarf down onto his knees. The executioner took hold of his axe and balanced it on the back of the Dwarf's neck.

'Fucking... fucking swing it,' Kahn smiled and burped aloud. 'FOR SULLY FUCKIN'... ROMAN!'

The axe came flying down, blood squirted out with clumps of hair. The head of the Dwarf was two feet away from the corpse of its owner. Blood was flowing like a faucet.

'Ha-ha! Fackin' brilliant! Maddening, ab...absolutely maddening what the axe... the axe can do-sh.' Kahn slurred. 'For thish next short cu-cu-CUNT, get a spike and sho-shove it through his... fuckin' arse! Ha-ha, that-that'll be-sh a sh-sh-sh...ow.'

Helana, or Hanna, left to collect the needed item for the next execution. Kyrus watched as the Dwarf began to tear up from his deep amber eyes. Kyrus never saw a Dward cry, he thought it impossible to have the emotional effect to cry.

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