Authors Note

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Wow. What a fucking journey this has been. From the epic beginning back in 2016 ( no joke it was bad) to the legendary sequel, to this. It's been a hard adventure but a fun one nonetheless. This book has been the best piece of "work" I have created and I'm very proud of myself.

Now, for returning to Condor and this fairytale land for future books will definetly happen. It won't be titled under The Knight of the Nine as, as stated in the final chapter, they have disbanded. I do have ideas but keep in mind, it won't be anytime soon.

As for books I am working on now, I will resume The Risen. I may also have a new book coming out soon, it takes place in the Fallout universe and is about me. I created it out of love of the Fallout world and have worked quite a bit on it these past few months.

As for this series, this has been amazing. I don't know if I can make something like this ever again. And when I do return to this world, it will be hard. Harder than this series.

Thank you for reading this and reading the story. I love every one of you that have read through the first to the third, it's really hard considering the first is very messy.

Anyways, thanks and peace!

- Dylan Scott

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