Chapter 11: Bad Omens

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Felix walked over to the childs hanging corpse and cut it down. That's when a whistle erupted into the air. Arrows flooded the sky, Felix would've been killed if he didn't know magic. He protected himself, Ciri and Negan with a magical barrier.

The arrows deflected off the barrier then the trio went to work, unsheathing their swords. Negan was still injured badly but managed to kill an elf. Felix guarded himself exquisitely, killing an elf immediately after. He danced around, casted a fire onto an archer that was ready to put an arrow into his chest.

In the center of the elven milita stood an elf that differed from all the others. He wore a winged helmet with light chainmail armour, it was no doubt Aep Til Mistle.

Ciri sliced and diced through a small crew of elves quickly, getting to the elite unit where Mistle ordered his soldiers. Ciri dodged an incoming sword then cut the head of an elf cleanly off. Blood spilled like a faucet. Aep Til Mistle disbanded his unit and went to face Ciri, he struck first with a jump and a vertical attack. Ciri deflected it majestically.

'Cirilla! I am the one that gave freedom to your Derek, you ought to let me kill you.' Mistle said as he slid on the charred ground and managed to cut Ciri's leg. She yelped then teleported behind Mistle, she threw her sword into the chest of Mistle yet the chainmail shifted the blade off without damage.

'I underestimated you, Cirilla-'

'Shut up and fight.' She held her leg then charged back in.

Ciri and Mistle went back and forth, when it looked like one would lose the battle they would deflect a series of blows and take the upper hand. These two were equally matched at blades.

Felix was encumbered with elves, his sword holding two elven blades back. Another, pale, elf was charging in to finish the blow, Felix moved out of the way in the nick of time, causing the two elves to fall onto the charging one. Felix stabbed his sword down killing all three at once.

The wind began to pick up, blades of grass began to swirl in the wind. The trees howled as a green portal emerged from thin air. It was Gend-El he was back.

Ciri deflected Mistle's incoming sword then teleported behind the elf and jumped onto him. Both fell to the crisp ground, Ciri punched the back of he elves head with fury. She picked up the winged helmet and smashed it into the back of Mistle's head. Bits of skull were everywhere, a hole had appeared along with dark, thick, hot blood. Ciri picked up Mistle by his hair and flipped him around, he was still alive.

'Cir...illa! You killed a puppet... but-but,' Aep Til Mistle began to cough up blood. 'But not the... master.'  The elf began to laugh then started to choke on his own blood, leading to his death.

Gend-El wasn't in his armour, he was in robes that smelt like flowers and a fresh bubble bath. Felix finished off the remaining elves then approached Gend-El.

'Where's Derek, you elf bastard!?' Felix yelled as he ran at the elf.

Gend-El dodged the coming blade swiftly then pulled Felix back and swung him to the ground. Felix tried to get up but was held down by telekinetic magic. Ciri was next to attack, she faked a vertical swipe then teleported behind the elf to stab her sword into Gend-El. It was successful.

Ciri pulled the sword out and attempted to stab the blade back in but was held in place by telekinetic magic, again.

'I did not come to fight, Zireael et Felix. I came to inform you,' Ciri watched as the stab wound healed right before her eyes. 'That Derek Vanvleet has been sentenced to burning at the stake tonight, in Aen Quill.'

Neither Felix nor Ciri could respond.

'AHHHHHHH!' Negan charged in with his sword and sliced the elf's face in two.

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