Chapter 16: Metropolis

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A green teleporter opened up and out came two Elves. One alive, somber, quiet and gloomy. The other, laying in the hands of the other Elf, dead, quiet and gloomy. All the guarding elves were stunned and suddenly took a knee.


'Today, all Aen Elves bend the knee in honour of Master Ghenlel Fellwquen Aen An Querie Fando Ell Quill Neloth, lead wizard, ruler of the Aen Elves, but more importantly, father of all Aen Elves. May her Grace embrace Master Ghenlel Fellwquen Aen An Querie Fando Ell Quill Neloth with her love and may he rest in peace, forever in our hearts.'


It was raining, the drops splashing ontop of the marble roof shielded by cobblestone. It was night yet it was bright outdoors, the flame of Aen Eh burning high as the corpse of Master Neloth burnt.

The rain seemed to never end, it rained from dusk to dawn, then it shone light for two hours, it got dark again and rained harder than the night before. It never rained for two days, let alone a full night in the beautiful realm of Aen Quill. It was, truly, a sign of the times.

'May I come in, Quinlan?' Quinlan didn't hear the knocking being pounded against the oak door.

'Please, come in.'

The Elf shook himself clear of rain and wiped his boots off on the door mat, took off his hoodie and sat down on the smooth sheepskin couch, opposite Quinlan whom sat on a deerskin chair with a cushioning underneath.

'I believe you know why I came knocking, Quinlan.' Quinlan nodded in acknowledgment. The Elf continued. 'We are without rule here, you were deemed a traitor for killing our kind, helping a Nordling escape death when everyone thought he was dead, and returned with Neloth's body. Many Aen Elves thought it wrong, stupid and immoral to even consider putting you in rule.'

'They're right to think and say that. I did help the Nordling escape, I did participate in the death of Gend-El and Aep Til Mistle and I did witness the death of my father because it was for the betterment of the world, of our kind, of the humanity that claims Condor. Neloth, Gend-El and Aep Til had to die, as do the Nordling Kings. The Aen Elves may not see it, yet I see deep into the future that this is the best possibility for all kind, humans and nonhumans alike.'

'That is why, it has come to an agreement between the Aen Council, we think... no, we know you need to fill the roll as our master, our father that Neloth was years before. Drive us to peace and love, show us the way we are meant to be, no wars, no genocidal thoughts, no pillaging or raping or burning of the Nordic cities and villages. Show us, Master Quinlan, the way Aen Elves are to be.' The marble roof, shielded by cobblestone, house went silent for awhile. The rain seemed to get harder and harder by each passing second.

'I saw this coming, you would call it foreshadowing... I called it inevitability. Her Grace touches with the Nord I set free from the burning, hot hands of death. She benefited him with the lust, love, glory to kill the two headed snake that was Gend-El, Aep Til and Neloth. He made it possible, he made it inevitable.'

The room grew silent once again. A butterfly flew out if a jar it had been captured in only to be released moments later. The rain was still harsh upon the streets of noble Aen Quill. The waters gleamed with the small pockets holding rays of the sun. Quinlan stood from his deerskin chair and turned to face a huge glass window, tinted ever so slightly with a shade of grey.

'When do we make it official? When will the Aen Council see it to me?' Quinlan asked the Elf still sitting on his sheepskin couch, drinking a rich reddish brown wine.

'It is already official, brother. All you must do is brandish the Aen Elves with your cunning words. A speech of development, a speech of where your eyes and wisdom will take us,' The Elf paused as he looked outside, alongside Quinlan, the grey window. 'But for the love of Her Grace, make the speech and study the words, make it better than anything you've ever written. Oh... and do the speech when Her Grace is done grieving the death of her child.'

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