Fresh Start

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This is chapter one of my DaveKar/DaveKat fanfic I have some really good ideas for this story so yeah! There will probably be a lot of the following:


Suicide attempts


And other triggering things.

This is my first "SadStuck" kind of story so you have been warned!!!!!

Enjoy (:

(This will be written as if the trolls are human.)

I do not own Homestuck.


Karkats POV.

It's been a while since I've actually been back at school.. So having the thought of going back to school with assholes who hate me anyway is just a joy some thought. If you couldn't tell that was sarcasm.

After I woke up I did what I did everyday.. But today was my frost day back at school.. After.. The accident... I pulled on my normal grey sweatshirt and black skinny jeans, attempted to brush what I call my rats nest of hair. And then headed to school. I skipped breakfast for two reasons. One of which had to do with seeing my brother. KanKri. We had gotten in a pretty big fight last night and I didn't wanna see him after what he said. And two, I just didn't feel like eating right now.

Once I got on the pathway that would lead me to school, I sighed and looked at my phone. Normally I'd get a text from Trez or Gam in the morning but I guess not. God I feel loved.

I started to read through my old messages and I didn't even realize I was almost to the school. Ugh.

I entered the school, and got many. And I mean.. Many stares.

People must be shocked that I'm actually back.

I went to my new locker and tried the lock which seemed to be stuck. "Damn it!" He growled at the locker and pressed my head to it. God. It's my first day back and in gunna be late for my first class... I sighed and tried again but it didn't work. Eventually I got it and I was 5minutes late for class.

I got to class and everyone was staring at me. Gamzee in the back of course smiled and waved me down forcing me to come sit next to him in the empty seat next to him. Even though he was a drug addict he was getting better and I was proud of him for that, and that's why were such good friends. He's always been there for me. And so has Trez and Sol.

"Looks like Karkat finally wanted to join us today." The teacher said and I rolled my eyes trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Karkat you get a freebee today because it's your first day back but after that forget it!" The teacher yelled making some students who fell asleep jump and rub their eyes.

I nodded quickly and turned to Gamzee who had that silly makeup on again today.

"What's up best friend? Haven't seen you in a while?"

"You know... The whole problem.."

Gamzee just nodded and smiled at me.

"I'm here for you bro." He said which made me smile and want to hug him. But that would make people stare.

"Thanks Gamzee." He said and smiled back at him. "How's Tavros and you?" I asked. His boyfriend Tavros had gotten surgery to help him walk again after a bullying incident...

"He's good. He's happy that you feeling better and he told me to tell you, That he wants you to come to a party tonight." Gamzee said and smiled.

"Whose going?" I asked.

"Uhhh... I know for sure, Tav, Eridan, (ugh) Trez, john, fei, sol, and that dave kid."

"Dave... Strider ?" I asked

He nodded.

"Oh... Uh... I guess I could come. When did Tavros start having out with some of the cooler guys?" I asked.

"I dunno.. I think he got to know dave while Dave's bro was in the hospital."

I nodded again.

Sigh... This was gunna be interesting...


So that was the first chapter cx I know it's short but I'm happy with it!!!!!

Vote, comment, etc! Thank you so much. I love you all hehe!

-Misaki 🌸

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