Fuck My Life.

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{ sorry for not updating ughhh /)-(\ I was grounded for a while and I also didn't know what to write... So this might just be a short little chapter. }

Okay, so when I went home from johns place, there was fucking dave at my house talking to my God damn brother. Shoot me.

"Oh, hello karkat." My brother greeted me kindly.

"Hi.." I muttered itching my neck that had about 5-6 hickeys on it. Thanks John. I really like the stupid new additions to my pale skin which makes them very, very visible. You might as well just have painted them on, or even added more.

I sighed.

Dave raised an eye brow at me.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE!?" I yelled at him. I'm not in the best mood.

"What? I can't come to see a friend?" Dave said in his bitchy voice.

I glared at him and looked at my brother who was obviously trying to hold back his laughter.

I don't even know why I'm not kicking both their asses right now. Dave for being an asshole that broke my heart, and Kankri for being kankri.

"Oh shut up and go pleasure yourself with the toys Cronus buys you." I hissed at my brother. His face turned bright red and he covered his mouth looking embarrassed.

Dave of course being immature like always covered his mouth bursting out with laughter.

"Fucking shut the hell up strider." I glared and wiped my eyes thinking about how rude he was to me.

"S-sorry!" He was still laughing "but that w-was perfect! Sorry kankri" he said trying to stop.

I just stared at him and then ran to my room. Locking the door. And screaming into my grey pillow.

"FUCK MY LIFE!!" I screamed and kicked at the bed.

I don't think anyone Knows how mad I was at dave. Or should I say, how mad I STILL am at dave. He's a douche that only cares about himself. For all I know he could be hitting it up with trezie, ana just using me.

I groaned and laid there until there was a knock at my door.

"What." I hissed.

"It's me."

"Who the fuck is "me"?" I hissed again.

"Dave." He said in his annoying tone.

I got up and opened the door slightly. And regretted it right after. Dave wrapped his arms around me and hid his face in my neck.

I tried pushing him off but he just stood there not letting go. "DAVE GET OFF!" I said and he shook his head refusing to.

"Dave get off of me!" I said once more before he finally let go. His shades still hiding his eyes.

I growled at him and fixed my sweater before he kissed me softly on the lips.

God damn it dave.

//. That's all for now because it's late and I'm tired. But I have to update so you guys don't kill me...

Vote, comment, fangirl/boy, tell your friends, read some more fan some more, etc. Byee

-Misaki 🌸

You're My Cool Guy. . . {Dave x Karkat}Where stories live. Discover now