Spin the... Faygo?

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Chapter 3!!! :)


Sollux drove us to the party and I stayed quiet most of the ride there. I looked out the window until sollux spoke up and asked me something but I wasn't pay attention so I had no clue what he was saying or asking..

"Hello? Earth to kk?" He said while we were at a red light and I jumped.

"Sorry, haha..." I said awkwardly.

"what were you saying? I didn't hear you,.." I mumbled and sollux sighed.

"I th'aid do you know who'th gunna be at thi'th party?"

"Oh um... I know.. Gamzee, terezi, Tavros, fef, you, myself, maybe vriska ?... I hope not tho.. She's annoying.." . I grumbled "I also know Dave's gunna be there and John.."

"Oh th'o tav invited the cool kid... Great.." Sollux said as we drove up to Tavroses house and parked.

"Alrighty then let's go..." I mumbled And got out, sollux behind me.

We walked up to the door and were greeted by Tavros in a wheelchair. I thought he could walk? Maybe it's just easier for him.

"Thanks for inviting us." I smiled and tav nodded letting us in.

There was more people then I thought... Nepeta was there, Equius, eridan, kanaya, and I few more of our friends and other people I didn't know..

I sighed and walked over by where Gamzee was sitting with some faygo. Of course.

"Hey Gamzee." I said and he smiled.

"Hey best friend."

"So what are we gunna do?.." I asked looking around. I noticed that Sollux was gone and so was eridan. Oh god. Oh god please sollux. Gosh...

I shivered and then felt and arm on my shoulder.

"hey karkles~"


"Hello dave." I grumbled and pushed his arm off my shoulder.

"You actually came?" He laughed and fixed his stupid shades.

"Of course I came! I'm not missing a friends party just because your here. So fuck off Strider." I yelled and looked back at Gamzee who now had tavs arms around him.

That must have been nice having someone to hold him. I pulled at my sleeves and looked around for a why I could get away from dave. Stupid strider. He hits on everyone. Make up your mind already! I sighed and the rest of the people we knew started to gather around. Why?

"Hey who's up for spin the faygo?!" Gamzee said and there were many "yeah!" "Sure" "okays"...

We all sat around and I stayed silent praying I wouldn't get picked at all. I looked to my side eyeing dave who looked like he was flirting with terezi? And looked to my other side seeing Gamzee putting the faygo in the middle of all of us. Oh great... This should be interesting...

"Who spins first?" And so it began, tav had to kiss vriska of all people I felt so bad for him. Sollux kissed terezi and more people were picked. Gamzee... Sadly he had to kiss dave. (;-;)

So it was Dave's turn to spin the faygo.

And guess who the lucky winner was?


I sat there silently and people started laughing and I even heard nepeta say something to equius about this being her new otp. I sighed and dave smiled. I glared at him and he put a hand on my shoulder pulling me closer to him. GAHHH I WISH I COULD DIE.


He leaned in and so did I, then we kissed and I swear I heard giggles and squeals from some girls.

I knew my face was red. Because it was burning. BUT WORST OF ALL, dave continued to kiss me. Until I forced myself to pull away from him and stand up quickly bolting to the bathroom and locking the door.

"Karkat!" Some people said and I rubbed my eyes.

"What the fuck karkat?,.." I muttered and heard a knock on the door which made me jump and ask; who is it.

"It's me..."

"Who's 'me'?" I asked annoyed.


I opened the door slightly and he walked in shutting it behind him and pushed me slightly agents the wall.

"D-dave get off me!" I said and he kissed me forcing his tongue into my mouth.

I bit his tongue making him back away from me and put his hands over his mouth.

"What the fuck karkat?" He yelled and I wanted to break down right there.

He must be drunk. He had to be...

"dave what the hell is wrong with you your drunk as hell!" I spat. And he glared.

"I'm not drunk you asshole! You know what I was just trying to show how I felt and your being a total ass like always! Don't talk to me! Got that?" He yelled then left.

For once... I couldn't cry. I couldn't even speak. I just left the bathroom and out the front door. I might as well call KanKri to pick me up...


Yay this chapter done yesss! Haha c; okie so I'm quite tired so I tried to make this a longer chapter! Hint word TRIED.

Vote, comment, fangirl/boy etc!!!

-Misaki 🌸♋️

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