Beast Wirt

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Beatrice gasped as she saw the woodsman collapse on to the ground, Wirt turns around as well and stares in shock. Suddenly the hear the beast's voice "Give me my lantern" This made Wirt confuse "Your lantern?" Beatrice immediately objects "No way! We need this thing" Wirt agrees and hugs the lantern close "Yeah I'm keeping this. I have to get Greg home"

"Your brother is too weak to go home, he will soon become part of my forest" The beast states but Wirt was not giving up "I won't let that happen" This gave the beast an idea "Well then, perhaps we can make a deal"

Now this caught Wirt's attention "What deal?" The Beast explained to him "I will put his soul in the lantern, as long as the lantern stays lit, he will live on inside. Take on the task of lantern bearer? Or watch your brother perish."

Wirt stops and thinks for a while "Come here" The beast spoke. Wirt gave in and gave a simple reply "okay" and went closer to the beast. Beatrice gasped and called for him, but he didn't listen.

Wirt then places the lantern in front of the beast to save his brother. "Wirt no!" Beatrice yelled, but it was too late. Wirt was now the new lantern bearer.

Two weeks have passed and the beast felt himself weakening as time flies. He weakly went to Wirt to tell him to feed the lantern. But as soon as he reaches the boy, he froze. The boy now had horns made of Edelwood and different eyes.

The beast cautiously took a step back. His eyes were different. His gaze was colder than ever. The beast suddenly felt weak and fell to his knees. Wirt smirked and said "Farewell beast~" and just like that, the beast... Was no more.

Wirt continued to wander around the woods, lantern in hand. He came to a halt when he heard rustling behind the bushes "I know you're there. It's best to come out" He looked back to look at the culprit.

It was a 12 year old boy wearing formal clothing. He had brown hair and abnormal yellow eyes "Hello beast~" He states. Wirt only glared and him "What do you want?" He says in a strict and serious voice. The boy only laughed at him "What do I want? No. I think it's more like, what do you want"

Wirt raised an eyebrow but decided to ignore the strange boy.  "Oh ignoring me, are we? Well kid your lost! Since I know something that you might wanna hear" Wirt stopped and looked at the boy again making the latter smirk "Did you know that... You're brother's not really in the lantern?" Wirt's eyes widened and gripped the sides of his head "No! You're lying!"

The boy walked closer towards him and grabbed his collar, their faces inches apart. "Oh but I'm afraid not. You see..." The boy smirked "Your brother's dead now. And you just bounded yourself to the lantern Wirt. Or should I say, Beast Wirt"

(510 words)

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