Ice Finn

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Finn woke up to a strange feeling, a feeling of being watched. We sat up his bed and saw the Ice Finn's crown on his night stand. He knew it was Ice Finn's since it had marks on it from their battle last month. Finn was surprised and hit the crown, causing it to land on the ground.

He did his daily morning routine and was about to cook breakfast until he saw the crown again on the table. Finn was terrified and readied his sword "Alright man, not cool! Come out of your hiding place and fight me!" He shouted towards no one.

He stepped closer towards the crown, as he gripped onto his sword with shaky hands. He was about to slice it until he heard a voice "You want to be a hero don't you?~" Finn stopped and looked around for the source of the unknown voice "I don't want to be a hero, I AM a hero!" He heard the voice chuckle "Then wear the crown~ Think of all the people you could save with ease with that much power~ Think of the benifits~ PB might also catch an interest with such a powerful human such as yourself once you have it~" Finn was hypnotized. He fell under the voice's control as Jake wasn't there to stop him.

He carefully took the crown and placed it over his head. Then 'Boom!' The entire living room was now covered in ice and snow. At the middle of the room, you can see a boy with long yellow hair coming out of his hat, blue shirt, dark blue pants, one arm made of metal, and icy blue eyes.

'Yes!' He finally did it! The Finn and Jack of Ooo thought that they freed him, but that's not what actually happened. He was trapped inside the crown. And now that the Finn of this world no longer exists, he can finally do as he pleases!

He laughed maniacally and he trapped all of Ooo inside a cold, frozen prison. He smiled to himself, satisfied with his work.

He froze when he heard a sound like a portal just opened. He immediately turned around and attempted to hit the intruders but missed.

"Woah there bud!" Bipper says as he dodged his attack. "Ahahahaha! Would you like to be part of my kingdom as well?" The statement made both Beast Wirt and Bipper confused.

Ice Finn floated higher up in the air and froze their legs, the ice slowly crawling up their bodies "Sleep my children of snow! Ahahhahahhahaha!" Ice Finn ceased his laughter when he saw the ice melting due to Bipper's abilities.

"Why aren't you freezing?!" He yelled and frustration and was about to shoot again but Bipper grabbed his wrist, stopping him. "We have a proposition for you" Ice Finn calmed down and lowered himself "What proposition?" He asks.

"Come with us and you can freeze anyone as you please. But save for some certain people, okay?" Blinded by the urge to freeze, Ice Finn immediately agrees. Bipper grins and says "Great! Now let's go!" He opens up a portal and enters it with his two companions.

(529 words)

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