We Found You

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Bipper looked at the crew of goody-two-shoe people wanting their family back inisde a blue flame floating on his palm. He was furious, but at the same time entertained. Yes he knew about this but decided not to tell the gang until the time is right. And that time is now.

He called the rest for a meeting in the living room and told them about the "rescue team". They discussed their plan with each other and smirked. This is gonna be good~

With the good guys~

Surprisingly, even after a month grom their friends' disappearance they still didn't give up. They were currently in a forest inside another univerest called "The Unknown". It was kinda creepy but nothing they can't handle. During their journey in the forest, they stumbled upon a blue bird named Beatrice who needed help finding her friend. Of course, they agreed to help her and so she joins the crew.

Mabel stopped walking catching her companions' attention. "What is it kid?" Danny says as he floated next to her. Mabel immediately sushes him and peeked went inside a bush. She signalled the others to follow her and told they to be quiet. And that's when they heard something. Or someone. They heard a group of familiar voices talking to each other.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Positive Tree Gnome! Infact, I can sense them right now!"

"I really hope this'll work as you said"


"Geez don't be such a shoob"

Shoob? Danny and JL only knows one person who would say that. The "rescue team" stepped out of the bush and found their missing friends and family members together. The only thing is... It's not them. They're no longer the people who they used to be.

The first people to speak up were Danny and JL. Danny immediately tackled Nomirandy into a hug, thinking it was his teammate "You idiot! Where have you been?! We've been lookong for you across worlds ya moron!" JL (dragon form) flew next to Danny and said "Ya dude! And who are these creeps?"

Nomirandy rolled his eyes and kicked the ghost boy and dragon kid, their bodies colliding towards a large Edelwood tree. How is Danny not phasing through it? Edelwood is made of souls. And ghost rule, ghosts can't phase through that kind of stuff.

"I don't know any of ya shoobs but ya betta not be in mah way" Nomirandy tells the dou as he his flashes red for a good 10 seconds. Danny was about to approach Nomi again but JL prevented him from doing so, telling him that he isn't the Randy that they know.

He looked at JL, then back at Nomi, he growled in anger. Mabel took a step forward and glared at Bipper "Give me my brother back you floating dorito!" Bipper only laughed in response "Oh Shooting Star. I can't give your brother back even if I wanted to"

This made the poor girl confused and afraid at the same time, but she kept her composure "What do you mean you can't?!" She yelled at him. "Well you see Shooting Star..." He says trailing off as he hung his head low, his hair shadowing over his eyes "...His mine now" He finishes as he looked straight at Mabrl with bright yellow eyes.

Star only stared at Marco, tears forming at the corner of her eyes "Marco... Why...?" Marco only stared at her with a blank face. He wanted to talk to her, but he can't. Not with Tom controlling his every move and thought.

Beatrice tried talking to Wirt, but he simply stayed silent and glared at her.

Jake growled and glared at the crown Finn was currently wearing. He used his stretchy powers and was about to smack the crown off Finn's head, but Finn was able to dodge it and froze the upper part of his body. Jake shivered from the coldness and unstreched, his upper half still frozen.

They watch their friends with a concerned face. What if they're stuck like this forever? Will they ever come back? How can they get them back? Those questions ran in their heads, as they look at them.

'Don't worry dude, we'll get you back'

'Dont worry Finn, I'll find a way to fix this'

'Marco, please... I know you can fight him'

'Wirt, I'll find a wqy to make things the way they were... I promise...'

'Just wait for me Dipstick... I'll get that dorito out of you...'

'And I'll do whatever it takes to bring you back!'

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