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(A/N:Cringe ahead since I cant write fight scenes)

3rd Person P.O.V.~

While Wirt was busy taking on Lord Wander and some of his robots, Bipper decided to do something good for once and went to another dimension to ask for help. And he knew just the person he needed.

With Beast Wirt~

Wirt dodged as Lord Wander's robots attempt to shoot him. He dodged left, then right, then rolled to the side. He glared at the orange alien who stood in the middle of the battlefield, smirking as he ordered more robots to keep attacking.

Wirt dodged again and made Edelwood sprout out of the forest ground, destroying all of Lord Wander's robots around the perimeter. After a few minutes of fighting the machines, they finally stopped. Lord Wander snapped his fingers to call on more robots, bUt NoBoDy CaMe. He snapped his fingers once again and still nothing. He growled in anger, and dashed forward to attack Wirt himself.

Wirt smirked as he dodged and attack the orange alien as well. 'Looks like the ninja managed to destroy the source' he thought. Wirt tried trapping Lord Wander in Edelwood once again, but this time, he made sure the Edelwood was stronger and wood imprison his entire being. Lord Wander struggled with the Edelwood and used his lava hands to burn it off of him. As the fight goes on, one thought came across Wirt's mind 'WHERE THE HECK IS BIPPER?!'

Meanwhile with Bipper~

Bipper grinned insanely at the man infront of him. His yellow eyes glowing brightly in excitement, eager to get rid of the orange alien back in his world. The man infront of him kept his stern expression, thinking through the shorter male's offer before accepting it. After all, making a deal with a demon is no walk in the park. He needed to think this through including the loopholes, he knew how these beings work.

The man's red eyes glowing, still not trusting the being infront of his. He ran his robotic fingers through his caramel colored hair and sighed. "So all I needed to do, is get rid of an alien dominator in your world?" He asked, his thick Norwegian accent as clear as day. Bipper nodded, giving the man a close eyed grin. "And you'll make me the ruler of my world? No loopholes?" He continued, glaring at the other.

"Relax kiddo, all I want is this annoying alien out of my world and I need your little army to help me. That's all I need" Bipper reassured the other male, knowing that he needed to gain his trust to have him on their side. The caramel haired male sighed and stood up, fixing his red hoodie and navy blue trenchcoat as he did so.

He looked at his tan haired assistant beside him, green robotic eyes staring back, ready for his leader's orders. "Thomas" Tom immediately saluted and faced him. "I need you to call Matt, Paul, and Patryk. Tell them to bring some robot soldiers with them as well, were going to another dimension" He ordered, making Tom reply with a quick "yes sir" and left.

Bipper grinned as the other male finally shook his flaming hand. "You better not lie to me, demon." The Norwegian man said sternly at the demon possessed boy. "Don't worry Red Leader, I'm a man of my words~"

Back with the others~

Nomirandy groaned, as he managed to break off one of the robot sources, hoping that would help Wirt for a while. He growled as he saw some smaller robots approach the broken machinery and started fixing it. He tried throwing his nanja stars at them, but it seems like the repair bots have some kind of force field protecting them.

He sighed, as he left the area and tried finding the control room. Once successfully finding the control room without being detected, he went through the files and looked at it with a confused expression. How the hell was he supposed to read this?! He sighed once again and just went up copying the files into the drive, knowing that Bipper could easily understand the foreign language. After all, he did hear the demon claiming that he knows everything.


Marco and Finn took care of the horde of robots and panted. "How many robots does the guy have?!" They thought, clearly exhausted from fighting them off. Once Nomirandy telepathically told them that he was able to temporarily destroy the robot source, they leaned on each other and sat. Waiting for Bipper or Wirt's signal that they needed them.

Five minutes later, they looked up from the sound of a portal opening. They stood up and went to a fighting stance, ready to fight whoever it is off. They relaxed once they saw Bipper, along with five unfamiliar males. They looked at Bipper with a confused expression before the brunette reassured them that they're on their side.

Red Leader nodded and signalled the four males and his robots to follow him and the demon towards the clearing, where Wirt was busy fighting off Lord Wander and a new horde of robots. Once there, Red Leader ordered them to fight off the tiny robots. With Tom and Matt helping the tall male fight off the orange alien. Wirt was confused at first until Bipper told him that it was part of the plan.

As the fight continues, Lord Wander noticed that the others had the upperhand and growled. He typed off something through his holoscreen and three battleships appeared out of a portal, summoning up more robots.

Bipper looked at Red and nodded, making Red smirk. Portals also appear from their side as well, soldier wearing red and blue coming out of the portal, killing off the robots easily with the high-tech weaponry. The fight went on for hours, with Nomirandy now helping out. Soon, Lord Wander noticed that his robots were now running out, so he signalled his minions to retreat. The robots immediately flew towards the ships, while some carried Lord Wander towards the main. Once every robot was inside the ships, the immediately opened a portal and disappeared.

Marco and Ice Finn helped Nomirandy up, who was passed out from exhaustion. Beast Wirt was making Edelwood grow in some certain areas to replace the ones that Lord Wander's robots destroyed. The Red Army soldiers and robots returning to their world through a portal. Matt, Tom, Patryk, and Paul taking some certain part from the falled droids, and Red Leader and Bipper talking to each other.

"Are you suuuuuuurrrreeeee you don't want to stay with us?" Red Leader sighed as the yellow eyed demons asked once again. "Yes I am sure. Besides, why would I want to stay with a bunch of possessed kids?" Red Leader replied, his norwegian accent clearly heard in his speech. Bipper pouted at the response, really wanting the devil haired male to stay with them. Once Matt, Tom, Paul, and Patryk was done taking out parts, they went towards the portal. Except Tom, who stood beside Tord.

"Don't worry you possessed 12 year old, you have the Red Army at your disposal when needed. For reasonable situations of course. Let's go Thomas." Tom nodded and followed Red Leader as he entered the portal, the portal immediately closing in after.

(A/N: Sorry for the cringey fighting 😂🤣😂🤣😂. I already mentioned earlier that I'm not good that kind of stuff. Anyways, how was it? 1222 words not counting this author's note)

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2019 ⏰

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