The Fight

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Danny and JL looked at each other and nodded. Both flew in the air as they attack Nomirandy from both sides. Nomirandy swiftly dodges their attacks and putting on the mask while doing so. He used his sword to deflect their attacks and trick JL into hitting Danny since physical attacks and normal weapons can't hurt him or just touch him in general.

Mabel went on fighting with Bipper, failing miserably. I mean, how could a powerless 12 year old beat an almighty dream demon? But Mabel doesn't lose hope and tries attacking Bipper... With a stick. A god damned stick. Bipper just kept laughing at her attempts while laughing, and eventually burned the stick.

Star kept blasting Marco as he dodges her attacks and countering with green colored flames. Star kept trying different spells and even tried to bring him back to normal, but like usual. It never worked. Marco flew up and started encircling Star with his flames, making the blonde cough. Star struggled to cast a spell to make the flames disappear but she managed to do it.

Jake managed to break off the ice awhile ago by stretching his lower half to break it. He was now currently battling Ice Finn and his main focus was on the crown. He knew he had to get it off him. No. He have to destroy it.

And as for Beast Wirt and Beatrice? Well, getting rid of a bird is not really that hard. Wanna know what happened? Wirt just simply grabbed her and trapped her in edelwood. So Wirt is just watching everyone fight, occasionally assisting them when needed.

The fights weren't easy. They weren't just facing off their regular foes. They were facing the friends, their family. But this isn't them... One by one, they were defeated. The bad end recklessly throwing them into a pile as if they were trash. Which in their point of view, they were.

They didn't see why they needed them. I mean, why would they? If they can't accept them, If they can't help them... Their WORTHLESS. USELESS. PATHETIC. INFERIOR. BEINGS. They don't need them anymore.

Beast Wirt looked to face Bipper and asked "What are we gonna do with them?" Bipper gave a sadistic grin, his eyes glowing brighter. The expression on the possesed 12 year old's face made the others' curious of what he was planning, some excited about it something being extremely painful (Nomirandy).

"I'm going to send each of them to a void, except Nomi's. I'm putting them together.-" Nomirandy gave him an obviously disappointed face and yelled "A void?! That's it?!" Bipper chuckled and continued speaking "Not just any void. A void where they can see their previous images of the ones they wanted. Pinetree, Marco, Finn, Wirt, and Randy. But that's not all, after they see the memories, 'they' will be blaming them for this. I banished a couple monsters there and I'm pretty sure they'll be busy fighting them off... For ten millenias probably"

He laughed as he said the last part. Eternal suffering? Isn't that much of a stretch? Not for them. It was perfect. To see them wallowing in sadness. They all agreed and let Bipper open portals, and they all threw their own respective "saviors" at once. They smiled once finished and headed back towards the mansion

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