Void of Regrets

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Mabel Pines

Mabel opened her eyes only to see nothing but the color black. She blinked and looked at herself trying to check if she went blind or not. Once confirmed that she isn't, she tried walking around in hopes of finding an exit.

After 5 minutes of walking, she saw something that made her stop her tracks. Every memory she had with Dipper started popping up. Starting from childhood until the most current one with the laptop. The memories started darkening as it came to the sock opera. The day she betrayed her own brother.

She started crying and fell to her knees. She suddenly saw "Dipper" walking towards her. She smiled and tackled him into a hug, but he didn't respond.

The Dipper made by the void glared at her and pushed her away, shocking Mabel. "It's all your fault" More tears ran down her face. "Wha-what are y-you t-t-talking about Dipstick? It's me! Mabel!"

"Dipper" Glared at Mabel and kicked her stomach hard, sending her flying back. Mabel clutched her stomach in pain as she stares at the figure shaped like her brother with teary eyes.

Star Butterfly

Star had been walking around for a while now and had given up trying to find an exit. Then she just remembered something. She still had her dimension scissors with her! She facepalmed to herself and tried opening up a portal. Keyword: TRIED. No matter what she did it doesn't seem to work.

She tried opening a portal the normal was 10 times. She tried doing it the other way. She tried doing it sideways. Diagonal. Cross. She even tried doing ridicilous poses and forms just to make it work. Sadly none of her attempts seem to be effective.

She sat down on the flow, exhausted from trying to open a portal. Then she suddenly saw every memory she has with Marco floating through the void. A sad tear escaped from her eye, remembering all those fun times she shared with him.

Once the memories were completed, a dark figure of Marco came from the dark shadows. More tears coming out of her eyes.


The little bluebird known as Beatrice went flying around the dark void. But it didn't bother her that much though, it was almost like The Unknown. The only difference was that there was nothing.

She froze on her path as she started seeing her memories with Greg and... Wirt. She started feeling regret as she remembered failing to save Wirt.

The memories stopped playing, but she paid no mind to it. Suddenly, she heard footsteps from a distance. She looked at the direction and saw a familiar figure "Look at what you've done"

Jake the Dog

Jake noticed he wasn't really going to get anywhere, so he had an idea. He stretched. His lower half stayed in his current spot, while his upper half is exploring the void.

After half an hour of stretching, Jake paused and looked around. Once he looked up, he found something that made his jaw drop. IT WAS HIS OTHER HALF! He unstretched him self and started to think of a plan.

His deep thinking was cut off by a sudden noise. He looked around and found the source. It was his memories with Finn. He smiled as a tear escaoed his eye.

After the memories started playing, he saw a certain someone appear "... Finn?"

Danny Phantom and Jake Long

Danny and Jake were exhausted, they just fought their 60th monster. And they weren't like the ones they normally fought. They were like the ones Randy fought. Robots and stanked monsters.

They go back to human form as they lay on the ground next to each other, exhausted. After taking a short rest, they decided to go back walking around in hopes of finding the exit. But instead of an exit, they found...

Tears threatened to come out of their eyes, but they refused to cry. Danny walked in closer and called out to him in a weak voice. But Randy didn't move until he broke down. They watch as their friend wept, Jake walked closer to try comforting him but froze once he heard what Randy said "This is all your fault..."

The two were confused and tried asking him what he meant, but he just kept going.

"This is all your fault"

"You did this to me"

"You lied to me..."

All they did was sit as they listen to "Randy", wishing that they had been able to stop Nomirandy from taking over.


They wept as they listen to the voice of their friend/family member. It was hard. Listening to them blame you for the things that happened to them. But was it really? The voices and images never seemed to end as they begged, shouted, and cried for it to stop.

This was never meant to happen. It was never supposed to be this way. But it seems that Life had other plans for them...

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