The Good Guys

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Jake walked around the now frozen Ooo with PB, hoping to find any more survivors. They tried checking the fire kindom but, it didn't look like a fire kingdom anymore. It was all frozen, like all those fire and lava were just for show.

They returned back to PB's lab back at the candy kingdom, trying to think of a way to unfreeze Ooo and find Finn. "Ah! I got it!" Jake suddenly shouted, getting the princess' attention "What is it Jake?" She asked walking closer to him.

Jake then started explaining his idea to the princess. "A different dimension huh? I might be able to transport you to a different dimension but..." She trailed off "It's too dangerous" Jake abruptly stood up and slammed his hands on the table "I don't care if it's dangerous! I want my brother back"

PB was surprised of Jake's sudden outburst, but calmed down immediately. She can't blame him for being like this, she sighed. She told Jake to follow her as she leads him towards her secret lab.

Once they reached the lab, Jake saw a weird machine shaped like a giant pills connected to a large computer screen. Bubblegum started typing in coordinates "Alright Jake, I'm sending you to a place called Echo Creek. You should be able to take care of everything once your there" Says says while typing.

Jake nodded and went inside the machine. The princess typed in the last coordinates and pulled a lever, activating the machine. A flash of light came from the machine, and once the light faded, Jake was gone.


"Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!" Jake screams as he falls from the sky and fell to the ground, face first. He stood up and dusted himself and saw a town engulfed in green flames. He walked around hoping to find Finn or a civilian who might have seen him.

As he walked around, he saw a human girl. She had long light blonde hair and icy blue eyes. He went nesr her and asked "Um... Excuse me miss, have you seen my brother? He's like, yey tall, blue clothes, white bear hat..." The girl looked at him and gave him a sorry smile "Sorry but... I haven't seen your brother. I'm actually trying to get my friend back"

Jake's ears stood up, an idea popping up in his head "Oh I know! How about let's help each other find them!" He saw the girl's eyes brighten "That's a great idea! My names Star by the way, Star Butterfly" She says in a cheerful tone, extending her hand for a hand shake "Jake, Jake the Dog" He replies as he accepts her hand.

Star then took her hand and began to think "Hmm... Marco might not be here on Earth... And I doubt he's in one of this universe's dimensions as well... Oh!" She jumps as she got an idea and pulled out her dimensional scissors from her pocket.

Jake was confused "Scissors? How's that gonna help us?" Star looked at him and waved her scissors in the air "You'll see" She then proceeded to cut in the air, opening a portal in the process.

"Woah!" Jake stared at the portal in awe and went in alongside Star. Once they went out the portal, they kept walking through a forest. As they kept walking, they saw a girl aroud 12. She had long brown hair, brown eyes, she was wearing a red sweater, and yellow skirt.

They went to the girl and ask her if she saw their friends but, unfortunately, she didn't. She told them about her missing brother as well and the three decided to work together.

They walked in the portal and arrived in a place called Norrisville. They walked past an alleyway and saw a ghost boy and a dragon talking to each other.

"I swear I saw him! Then he just dissapeared with some random guys!"

"Are ya sure 'bout that Danny? I mean... Randy wouldn't get himself caught so easily like that"

"I just... We have to find him Jake!"

The three showed themselves to the strange dou and offered them  help and cooperation. The two seemed to agree and went with them.

(701 words)

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