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(Cunningcest warning)

It has been a month since the bad end worked together. And let me tell ya, it has been PURE CHAOS. Bipper has granted all of them the ability to travel to different dimensions and universes except Marco, since he have his scissors with him.

They would run wild in various worlds and cause misery to those who reside in it whenever they feel like it. It was paradise for them.

Bipper, Beast Wirt, Ice Finn, and Demon Marco, were doing their own things on the couch until Nomirandy came down with the nomicon in hand. "Hey guys" The others looked at him who was holding his book up in the air "Ya guys mind if I bring a little someone here?"

They just shrugged and Nomirandy flopped himself on the couch next to Beast Wirt. He opened the book and original Randy floated out of the book a d landed on the floor.

Poor Randy had a terrified expression on his face and immediately clinged onto his doppelganger, shaking in fear. "Please no more I hate it in there. No more no more no more" Nomi smirked and patted his original's back.

The others stared at the two in silence. "Is this your twin?" Beast Wirt asked making Nomirandy chuckle "Nope." Bipper scrunched his face up disgust and immediately grinned in a teasing way.

"Hey ninja boy" Nomi turned to Bipper and replied with a blank expression "What?" Bipper floated himself in the air and went in front of Nomirandy "Wanna know what's weirder than twincest?" Nomi just shrugged, not really caring about his yellow eyed comrade.

Bipper floated himself upside-down and said bluntly "Selfcest" Normally Nomirandy would be one of the guys who are difficult to anger, but this takes the cake.

"Oh you'll get it now squirt" He said in anger. He gently put his counterpart down (who by the way, was able to sleep earlier) and transform into the ninja, chasing the demon-possesed boy afterwards with his ninja sword.

Night came once again and they went back to their respective rooms. Randy was currently crying against Nomirandy's chest, telling him about the living nightmare he had in the nomicon.

"P-please... D-don't send be back... I-I..." Nomirandy pats his back as he replies to him with a reassuring tone "Don't worry I'm here. I'm here... I'm not leaving you as long as you do the same a'ight?" Randy looked at him with teary eyes and nodded.

Nomi smiled and kissed his counterpart's forehead "good". And with that, they fell asleep. Randy sleeping on top of Nomirandy.

With Bipper~

Bipper was wearing his usual shit-eating grin while walking around his comrades memories. And dare I say he was enjoying every minutes of it. Every memory, every secret, every fear, every torment they've been through.

He loved it all. 'The perks of being a dream demon!' He thought as he kelt wandering around their heads, hoping to find something useful.

(499 words)

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