World Domination

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(A/N: So yeah I'm back with a new chapter, more characters, and more chaos! Also, thank you UnclaimedDemigod for the idea! [I cant tag lol] Also, try guessing the characters. They shall be revealed at the end)

Third Person's P.O.V.~

He tapped his foot on the floor of his ship, searching for a new world to take over. He growled in annoyance when he didn't find the perfect world that would suit his tastes. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose (if he even has one) trying to think.

He had conquered almost every world here anyways, the rest that aren't are just flat out destroyed or claimed by someone else. His expression suddenly brightened as he thought of a brilliant idea. Why not go to another galaxy? There might be more worlds there. He smirked in satisfaction as he agreed with himself. With that plan in mind

Meanwhile with the Bad End~

After getting rid of their friends and family, the Bad End went back to the mansion and relaxed a little. Surprisingly, no one's dead yet. Nomi was sitting on the couch watching tv with Randy cuddled close to him, Wirt was busy making fuel in a special room Bipper made for him, Marco was busy eating nachos while talking to Tom (A/N:LoL! Talking to Tom... Talking Tom 😂🤣😂🤣😂. I'm gonna go now...) who was beside him in a ghostly form, and Bipper was busy terrorizing Ice Finn. Pretty normal eh?

They were pretty much like normal kids now, if you don't count the appearance. They suddenly felt the ground benesth them shaking, making them stop whatever they were doing (hey it rhymes!). They all turned to Bipper, who had a serious face and gave them a nod. The others nodding back, taking it as a go signal to check the cause of the shaking. Nomi shlooped Randy back to the Nomicom before following them, and putting on the mask in the process.

Once they went outside,they hid behind a bush to check what was going on to not risk being detected. They peeked through the tiny spaces of the leaves and saw a huge ship and small black robots roaming around the woods. Wirt focused and tried to sense the owner of the mentioned objects and immediately informed the others once he did.

Wirt told the rest to follow him, which they did. Wanting to find out who disturbed their peace. Once they reached a bush surrounding a clearing, they saw an odd looking person. He were tall and was covered in what looked like orange fur. They had red eyes with black slits, his mascara going down his face making him look like he cried. He had a helmet with two large lightning shaped horns, a black cape, yellow gloves, skin tight black jeans, black shoes, and whatever you call those things he wears on his shoulders.

His posture was straight, with his arms folded behind his back. He was looking at some sort of holo-screen while ordering the robots around. His voice deep and stern. 'An overlord...' Bipper thought, and informing the others telepathically. They were all having a mental conversation with each other about who the guy was, why he was here, and what they should do to them. The telepathic ability of course is by (from?) the courtesy of Bipper, telling them that it would be helpful to them in the future.

30 minutes later, the robots began spreading out the woods. The new guy sat boredly in a hover-throne, waiting for his robots to return. Once the robots separated, the Bad End looked at each other and nodded, putting their plan into action.

Demon Marco and Ice Finn headed out to find the robots and destroyed them, since they were harming Wirt's forest. To which they are sure that that was the reason that the tall boy furious. Nomirandy was in the ship, trying to get as much information as he can and tried copying some documents in a flash drive Bipper provided him. Bipper stayed behind the bush, waiting. He was supposed to be back up in case something goes wrong. Especially with Wirt, who was downright furious with someone destroying his forest.

Wirt stood infront of the new comer. His eyes glowing brighter than usual, Edelwood started growing around him. The new comer opened his eyes feeling Wirt's presence, and stood up. His hover-throne hovering back to his ship.

The mystery person looked at Wirt and smirked, thinking that he is the leader if this new found planet. He walked towards Wirt and stopped once he was a good 5 feet away. The atmosphere between the two males thickened as Wirt's glared at him even more, his eyes glowing brighter, and the Edelwood growing faster. The mystery person's smirked stayed on his face, finding "this planet's leader" as a worthy opponent.

He chuckled and said to the tall boy "If I may ask, are you the leader of this planet?" Wirt didn't reply, his expression not faltering against the other man's intimidating presence. After a few second of waiting, the new comer saw that Wirt wouldn't reply and told the boy in a casual tone "You wouldn't mind if I conquer this little planet of yours right? I mean, by the looks of it, it doesn't seem like you take good care of it. I didn't even see any of your citizens." Like it was a normal thing. Which for him, it is.

"HoW dArE yOu..." Wirt spoke, in a low and quiet voice. "HoW dArE yOu CoMe InTo My FoReSt AnD dEsTrOyInG eVeRyThInG..." As he spoke, the new comer smiled, knowing he provoked the "leader" of this "planet". "WhO dO yOu ThInK yOu ArE?!" Wirt spoke in a louder voice, the winds turning harsh and Edelwood started growing around the new comer's legs, traping him in the process.

The new comer struggled to free his legs until he decided to use some sort of futuristic gun to destroy the Edelwood. Wirt felt a wave of pain once he did, but he didn't flinch nor did his expression falter. Not daring to show weakness to the weird looking person who wanted to take his forest away from him.

The new comer smirked at Wirt, thinking he was easy prey if that was his ability and that he had no people. He placed his hands on his hips and said in a cocky tone "Who am I? Well I'm the most wanted person in the entire NGC 300 galaxy! The most dangerous and powerful overlord known for dominating and destroying worlds! And yours would be perfect for my collection!" His expression even turned more cocky as he looked at Wirt straight in the eye and crossed his arms.

"The name's Lord Wander. And don't you dare forget it~"

(1148 words. So, who guessed it right? I noticed that this character, along with Nomirandy and a few others, are often forgotten in other Bad End Friends stories so I decided to give them some love in this fanfic. Why you may ask? CuZ wHy ThE fRiCk NoT?)

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