Demon Marco

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(Slight Tomco in here. Bear with it)

Marco woke up, pain was all that he could feel. He was chained up to a wall. He looked around where he was and it was all black, he couldn't see anything. He looked at himself and found himself wearing the same clothes he wore during the blood moon ball. Mask and all.

He heard light footsteps and looked up seeing the one and only, Tom Lucitor. "W-why..." He says weakly then coughs up blood. Tom kneeled down and lifts Marco's chin, making eye contact.

Tom smirked "Dont worry Marco~ It'll all be over soon" Tom let's go of Marco's chin and wrote something on the ground around Marco. He lifted Marco's chin once again "And noe for the final procedure" He slowly leaned his face closer to Marco's, their lips touching.

Green light emitting from Marco and the scribbles that Tom wrote. Once he pulled away, he unchained Marco and helped him stand. He smiled in satisfaction. Marco's normal brown eyes were replaced by green ones. His white sclera turned black. Demonic wings sprouting from his back.

Tom placed a hand on Marco's shoulder and whisoered in his ear "From now on, you'll do as I say got it?~" Marco nodded as Tom disappeared. "Now, destroy the human realm" Spoke Tom's voice, but he wasn't physically there. He was in Marco's head.

Tom grabbed his dimensional scissors and opened a portal back to Earth. Once there, he burned the entire city and killed everyone in sight.

Star came running through the chaos, searching for her dear friend. "Marco! Marco! Marco!" She yelled hoping the boy would show up, and that he did. A winged figure walks out of the flames and stopped. "Who are you and why did you do this?!" Star yelled towards the figure making it chuckle "Oh I didn't know you'd be that harsh to someone Star~" That voice. She knew it all too well "Marco?"

Marco went closer until they were two meters apart. Star gasoed as she saw Marco's new appearance. She ran towards him and tackled him in a hug. Once she pulls away, she places both her hands on each of Marco's shoulders "Where were you? What happened? Who made you do this?" Then, realization hit her like a truck.

"Tom..." She says through her teeth, anger evident in her voice. She shook Marco's shoulders "He didn't do anything bad to you, did he? Are you hurt? Oh I swear I'm gonna make him pay for what he's done!" Before Star could continue her rant, Marco's grabs both her wrists and spoke.

"Oh he did somrthing alright..." He move closer towards Star and whispered in her ear "He made me better~" Star was shocked and squirmed, trying to escape Marco's strong grip. Marco eventually let go of her, making he fall flat to the ground.

Marco only stared blankly at her and took off to the skies. He landed on the rooftop of one of the highest buildings in the city and watch it as it engulfs in flames.

Marco hears the familiar sound of an opening portal. He quickly turns around and went to a battle stance, his hands engulfed in green flames.

"Dont worry bud, were on your side~" Spoke the all too familiar voice of Bipper. Marco opened his mouth to speak but closed it when he heard Tom's voice "Don't. You can trust them" Bipper smirked as he read the other demon's mind.

Marco followed Tom's orders and went with them. "Well, that was easy" Beast Wirt comments "Too easy" Ice Finn adds. Both males looking at the winged demon with caution. To ease their minds, Bipper decided to speak up "Don't worry, I know the guy who's controlling him right now. He's fine" And with that, they entered the portal again.

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