Chapter 6

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"Cyrus Goodman, Cyrus Goodman!" Mr. Dovinsky yelled. I didn't realize that I was daydreaming.

"Sorry, sorry!" I replied. The bell rang right after I said that.

"Page 36, numbers 1 to 7. Got it?"

"Yes," the whole class replied in unison. I ran out the door as fast as I could.

Andi and Buffy pulled back my backpack strap and stared at me, waiting for an answer.

"Why are you zooming down the hallway so fast?" Buffy asked, making a face that made her look very serious.

"I... I..." I couldn't say anything.

"I gotta go." I ran out the door and went straight to the fountain where I witnessed TJ on his phone, probably playing another basketball game. He looked like he's been waiting forever.

Let's see how this goes.


Waiting at that fountain felt like forever to me. It's felt like so long ever since we last talked, which was last night. I couldn't get any sleep, and I cried the entire night.

It was my fault that the girl kissed me.

It was my fault that Cyrus broke up with me.

It's always my fault.

Classic TJ, anything good, I've gotta ruin it. Cyrus was walking up to me as if I looked intimidating again. That hasn't happened for so long, so I was really surprised by how slow he was walking up to me.

"Cyrus, we dated for like 2 weeks. Walk faster, will ya?" I asked, humorously.

"Fine." He walked up and sat next to me at the bench in front of that fountain.

"Let me explain," I said calmly, "the girl that kissed ME at The Spoon was just there. I didn't want it at all. Let's just agree that she was hideous, and that was not a kiss that I enjoyed." Cyrus laughed.

It's working, I thought.

"I'm sorry for everything, but you do remember that I'm gay, and I love YOU." I finally said.

"It's my fault for accusing you of something so stupid like that, TJ. I'm sorry too." Cyrus replied, tears forming in his eyes.

"Come here." I said, as I pulled him closer to my chest as he started crying into it. I had him in my arms again, and that's what I've wanted for a really long time. I missed this feeling.

"She was ugly, though." Cyrus said. "Why'd you let her kiss you, you idiot?" He asked, laughing as he said those words.

"It was sudden, I swear!" I smiled at him, looking down.

I kissed his forehead, then his cheek.

"You missed twice, you dork." Cyrus said as he pulled me closer to his face. "Let me show you how it's done." He said, as our lips met.

Once we both pulled away, we started cracking up for no reason whatsoever. I felt extremely relieved that Cyrus and I were back together, and it was a great feeling.

"This means we're back together, right?" I asked.

"Better than ever," Cyrus replied, before kissing my nose. It felt unfair, I should be returning those kisses.


TJ texted me saying that we should walk to school together again. The last time that happened, I left after being punched in the face by a homophobic freak.

Danny ended up coming out as bisexual and now he's dating a guy. Isn't that hilarious?

TJ opened up the door to Jefferson and put his arm out in front of me.

"My king may go first!" He said cheerfully. It was so adorable.

Once we got to our lockers (they were right next to each other), I felt people behind me. I turned around, seeing Andi and Buffy behind me.

"HOLY BANOODLE YOU SCARED ME!" I screamed in response to them laughing their guts out.

"Look at the two lovebirds, they've made up!" Andi said, smiling.

I saw TJ turn red at the sight of Reed and Lester entering, but I held his hand for reassurance. He hasn't talked to them at all ever since the gun incident, and it's something that got us closer than ever.

"Cyrus, we're telling my parents." TJ whispered in my ear. He was being completely off topic, so it was sudden, and surprising.

"Are you sure?" I asked. First period hadn't started yet and we were all just hanging out in the hallway, waiting for the bell to ring.


Andi and Buffy looked at me bewilderedly, since they've only heard whispers from us for the past 5 minutes. TJ telling me that he wanted to come out to his parents was extremely surprising, but I understood him.

The day went by fast. TJ and I sat next to each other during lunch, feeding each other our muffins. 2 days ago I made blueberry macadamia nut muffins for him, even if he insisted on me not making them for him. He baked a chocolate chocolate chip muffin for me, which I gladly took.

Another good day.

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