Chapter 12

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WARNING: You may or may not be close to crying depending on how good I write this chapter.

Cyrus looked at TJ. He looked serious about asking him to go outside, but Cyrus rolled his eyes jokingly and agreed.

They walked outside the door as TJ closed the front door behind him.

"What do you need me here for? Need a little privacy?" Cyrus winked.

"No." TJ retorted harshly.

That sudden "no" surprised and confused Cyrus. TJ wasn't usually like this, and his anger issues haven't sparked ever since they started dating. Was it because his dad died?

Cyrus turned red and felt hot due to embarrassment. TJ never responded to him that rudely before, and he never understood why it had to happen now. He just came home from the hospital, and he wasn't acting normally.

TJ looked away, the same look as when Cyrus told TJ to leave with him during the gun incident. It wasn't a new look, but Cyrus knew that it was about to be something that he didn't want to do at all, which would cause regret for him.

He finally spoke up.

"Cyrus, I think we have to break up."

Cyrus was confused at first, then he smiled at TJ.

"You're lying to me, right? Come he-" He tried to hug TJ, but he pushed him away.

"I'm serious." TJ said sharply.

Cyrus felt the tears form in his eyes, something that he couldn't keep to himself.

"But why?" Cyrus asked, confused on everything that's happening.

"Ever since my dad died, I felt different. I didn't want to keep this going on even longer without hurting you, so I wanted to end it now just to get it over with." TJ covered his mouth as he said those last words, which he regret.

"Just to get it over with?" Cyrus yelled. "You've been planning to break up with me this whole time?"

"No, that's not what I me-" TJ said, before being interrupted.

"Just shut up." Cyrus replied harshly.

He stormed off the patio, as it started to rain. TJ didn't realize how bad this would affect Cyrus, as knowing him, he doesn't get mad often.

He sighed, as he opened the door.

Amber was behind the door, hearing everything.

"What happened?" She asked, softly.

"Nothing." TJ replied, as he went up into his room and slammed the door.

He jumped onto his bed, covering himself in every direction. He looked at the locked door one last time before seeing a picture of him and Cyrus on his wall.

TJ got up from his bed, before ripping the picture off the wall. He broke down as he looked at the picture.

He ripped it up, before throwing the ball of the ripped up photo into the trash.

"I... love you..." TJ whispered, between breaths.

Cyrus got to his front door before practically kicking it down. He ran up to his room without a care in the world, even ignoring all four of his parents, who were playing bingo downstairs.

He heard a knock on the door.

"Cyrus, are you alright?" Cyrus' stepdad, Norman asked.

"I'm fine." Cyrus tried to say without sounding like he just cried a river.

As he heard footsteps walk away from the door, Cyrus wrapped himself up in a blanket.

He fell in love with TJ. He didn't realize how badly it would've ended.

Cyrus found the memory box he's been keeping under his bed. He got the idea from Bex after Andi told him about the memory box, and even helped him make it himself.

He found a picture of him and TJ on the wall, before carefully taking it down and putting in the picture slowly into the memory box.

It was one of the most important pictures that he had. He didn't want to lose him.

Or the picture, but whatever.

He flopped onto his bed before sobbing into his pillow. All of his feelings, emotions, everything that he was thinking of was an individual tear that he cried.

He felt his phone ring in his pocket.

It was TJ.

He hesitated, moving his finger between the decline and accept button.

He decided to decline the call, before it rang again.

It was from Andi.

He answered the phone, and tried to sound as cheerfully as he could.

"Hey Andi!" He said.

"You and TJ broke up? What happened?" Andi asked, concerned.

Cyrus hung up.

He got a text from Buffy asking him to go to The Spoon. He decided to accept the offer, as his baby taters would be paid for by her. He wanted to go, just to relieve himself from everything that's happened so far.

As he walked out the front door, Cyrus was still broken.

Cyrus walked past the park, seeing the swings that him and TJ swung at when they first talked.

FLASHBACK (NOTE: This is terribly written from the first chapter of WWIB, so I'll rewrite this in third-person, as I cringe at the first chapter I'm reading from.)

"Scary basketball guy." Cyrus replied, innocently as he was being intimidated by TJ.

"Actually, TJ." TJ replied, with a different tone in his voice.


Cyrus stopped at the swings, and stared at them. He thought of the second time they were there, when they made up from the gun incident that happened days before.

FLASHBACK (In my previous chapters I kind of rewrote the swing scene, I'm sorry.)

"Sooo, you've apologized for not apologizing. But you still haven't apologized." Cyrus said, trying to keep TJ at the swings for a bit longer.

TJ turned around.

"You can be a little annoying, you know that?" He argued.

Cyrus got up from the swing. "Well, you can be oblivious."

"Well you can be very judgy." TJ said.

"Well you can be intimidating." Cyrus argued.

"You know what else you are?" TJ asked.

"What?" Cyrus answered.

TJ and Cyrus made eye contact as TJ continued.

"The only person I can talk to like this."

Cyrus froze as he stared at TJ, who was staring back at him.

"Okay if I stay?" TJ asked.

Cyrus shrugged, mimicking the shrug he had when he had a crush on Jonah.

"It was always okay."

TJ and Cyrus pulled into a hug where they stayed.


Cyrus shook his head to stop himself from daydreaming. As he got to the entrance of The Spoon, he was expecting only Andi and Buffy to be there.

He froze at the sight of TJ Kippen sitting there, looking at Cyrus with regret in his eyes.

Andi and Buffy got up, and walked towards him.

"Talk." Buffy whispered, before Andi and her walked out.

Cyrus hesitated before sitting down in front of TJ.

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