"are you okay?"

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the guy started to beat you up and screamed for you to give your money and if you didnt you would pay the price..... you didnt have money on you

you started to see stars and he kept hitting you..... next you saw a boy running down the alley

mystery boy- AYE GET OFF OF HER!

he punched the guy hitting me in the face repetitively..... you were crying in pain and noticed your wrist was broken from the guy slamming you to the ground

another guy turns the corner and charges towards the other guy and starts to pull mystery boy off because the other dude blacked out

mystery boy- omg are you okay?

y/n- my wrist i i-

you were crying so hard you couldn't see who you were talking to but mystery boy picked you up and the other dude called the ambulance and police

they showed up and they were going to bring you to the hospital and they arrested the other dude you still never got the boys names or saw them from all the crying and the fact it was dark

y/n- what? who are you guys?

mystery boy- grayson

his voice seems adorable hes a softie for sure😂💘

other boy- and i am ethan

you still couldnt see them because how dark it was but thought imagine it begin the dolan twins! and the voices of there were the voiced of a softie 🥰

y/n- Well thank you gus so much

grayson- yep two heros call me or him sometime and tell us how you are doing please

he gives you both ethan and his number

y/n- i will

you smiled and looked up at grayson knowing your small and he look at you and y'all just starred for a bit smiling and you knew you know those eyes from somewhere and there voices seemed really similar and stop right as the officer said...

officer- do you want to press charges against justin?

y/n- yes sir!

officer- yes ma'm

doctor- we gotta go now ms l/n

y/n- okay thank you again gray and eth

you already created nicknames just great..... they probably think your weird now

ethan- oo nicknames I like them and no problem bye yn/n (your nick name if you didnt know)

you giggled and got in while they started cleaning your cuts and working on your wrist while they headed to the hospital

"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now