Ice cream drama 🥺🖤🤩

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You see ethan almost shitting himself because how nervous he was on the car on the way to the city where we were meeting emma

Y/n- ethan chill kid your gonna be fine

Prisha- aww someone is nervous

Ethan- well I just want to make a good impression

Tom- dude you too had googly eyes im sure your good

Y/n- yea tom is very much so right

Grayson- We are here

Ethan- oh shit he we go

Prisha- I see her

You all get out the car and approach her

Y/n- hey emma right

Emma- yeah and you guys are?

Y/n - Im y/n and thats my boyfriend Grayson and that my bestfriend prisha and her boyfriend tom and then thats the one and only ethan dolan

Ethan- hi

Emma- hey , no need to be shy im actually extremely weird

Prisha- I have this small feeling me you and y/n will be getting along then

You girls start laughing

Grayson and Tom say hey and we all start walking and talking

Ethan- soo emma how old are you?

Emma- I just turned 18

Ethan- so your a postmate driver

Emma- that was my last day actually im a youtuber , sorry dont judge i know its sort of weird

Grayson- us two , we are the Dolan Twins

Emma- wait what! I havent watched yall in 3 years thats crazy

Ethan- oh wow whats your channel?

Emma- Emma Chamberlain

The twins subscribed to her and were kinda shocked she had 8 million

Y/n- woah 8 million!!

Ethan- we just recently reached 10 million

Emma- congrats guys

Emma and Ethan looked at each other and smiled

Grayson- lets go to the ice cream shop

Prisha- AGREED

Tom- oh thank god she has been bugging me about ice cream all day

Y/n- ice cream yum

Ethan- im dairy free

Prisha- we been fucking knew shut up

Emma busted our laughing at Ethan

Ethan- ouch

Tom- well if your ass didnt remind the world 24/7

Ethan - oh shut the fuck up

Grayson- they will once you do

You and everyone broke out laughing and headed and got ice cream

Ethans Pov

I havent even known her for long and I think I have sum sort of feelings for her.... I hope she feels the same im going to ask her on a date after this

End of Ethans Pov

You and emma and Prisha got in line while the boys were behind yall

The ice cream boy was flirting with emma but she kept trying to give him the hint hell no

Ice cream boy : im david and your name is pretty lady

Emma: emma but its none of your concern

David: Fiesty I like it

Prisha - Bitch if you dont shut the f-

You covered her mouth and whispered her to hold on and wait for Ethans reaction

David gave a stank eye to Prisha she flicked him off while you pulled her back

Emma: Im sorry im not interested

David: let me get that phone number

Ethan couldnt take it no more

Ethan: aye bud she said no

David: and who are you

Ethan: Im her boyfriend

Tom- I-

Prisha stuck her tongue out at david and started laughing

David: I doubt someone like you could pull a girl like her

Emma- I have to di-

Ethan: oh yeah well im the one dating her asshole

David: proof it bitch

Ethan grabbed emma by her face and kissed her she didnt pull away but kissed back

Prisha ran up to david

Prisha: next time you wanna disrespect a woman think of this

Prisha shoved a ice cream in his face and flicked him off

Grayson and Tom pulled her back and Ethan and Emma stopped kissing

Y/n - lord of jesus PRISHA GOD DAMNIT

prisha- nobody disrespect me or emma for a matter of fact

emma and ethan were just staring at each other

David- i-m im sorry

Y/n - yeah k whatever we dont want ice cream anymore

We all left and and me and prisha grayson and tom started laughing

Tom- so you and emma DaTiNg ethan?

Ethan- I- sorry emma...

Emma- no no no its totally fine i didnt mind .... at all

Y/n- yall are gonna date I call it

Ethan- well emma actually would you like to go on another date to get to know each other more?

Emma- gladly

Prisha and y/n- AWW

the night ended perfectly and none of you could of wanted it any other way 🙂

"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now