Beach Sunset

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You and everyone decided to go to the beach for the sunset tonight which is in your back yard so its easy to get to

Ethan- I will set up everything

Briella- y/n we gotta get dressed up

Y/n- why?

Prisha- because

you haven't seen grayson sense the best friend thing and You are sort of upset honestly he took it to heart You guess

But the girls got you dressed up in a summer clothes and curled your hair with only mascara because you don't like makeup then they put you out back and told you where to go because you didn't know Grayson had a plan

Tom- Have fun !

Y/n- how I am outside alone let me back it

Briella- go to the beach

Y/n- fine

*the music starts playing the song he sang to you start it now

Y/n- hello?

You see a beachy fort with fairy lights fireworks and blankets

Y/n- am i actually alone

Grayson- of course not best friend

he smirks at you

Y/n- gray what is this

Grayson- what I cant do something for my best friend

Y/n- its beautiful

You look around in aww then see grayson staring at your having the goofiest smile on his face you look at him

Grayson- I love you y/n...... I am in love with you I cant go without you I dont wanna be best friends I want to be your boyfriend so ever day and night is like yesterday. I want to able to protect you from everything and anything. I am just shocked at how quick you affected me...... i have never felt this was bout ever y/n will you be my girlfriend


You start crying into his neck but it was a soft happy cry

Grayson- here take this

Y/n- what is it

Grayson- a promise ring to promise we will always have each other

Y/n- Well I will wear it forever

You are standing on the beach with him
And he comes to give you the biggest hug ever.....

You are standing on the beach with himAnd he comes to give you the biggest hug ever

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"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now