the post mates girl🥺

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tom- "aye ... aye .... BITCHASSES WAKE UP!"

y/n- "huh what? tom wtf"

tom- "I ordered post-mates and Im not paying"

prisha- "and I-oop"

y/n- "fine I wi-"

Grayson- "no babe I got it"

*Grayson says waking up from sounding cute as hell*

y/n- you sure babe?

Grayson- of course

you give Grayson a kiss on the lips and wonder out of bed to go downstairs with prisha

Prisha- have you talked to Ethan

Y/n- Oh yeah because its not like you and tom just woke my ass up?...... No what do you think

Prisha- well I hope he's good

*door bellrings*


*Ethan runs downstairs with bloodshot eyes*

Ethan- I got it

*Ethan opens up the door and chokes up*

Unknown girl- hey um for tom holland?

*Ethan stays silent*

Y/n- um E

Prisha- shh y/n its a girl.....
*Prisha goes to help Ethan*

Prisha- Hi um thats correct

*Ethan and the girl looks down and blushes*

Ethan- Um sorry yeah thanks

*Everyone surrounds Ethan*

Unknown girl- oh its okay bye have a nice day

Ethan- Wait

*he walks to her*

Unknown girl- Yeah?

Ethan- Whats your name?

Emma- Emma , Emma Chamberlain

Ethan- Nice to meet you Emma , Im Ethan

Emma- Well hi Ethan

*she chuckles and puts a piece of hair behinds her ear*

Ethan- thats cute, um here take my number please

Emma- Of course and here take mine

Everyone in the house-  ATTA BOY , AYEE E, MY BRO GOT A GIRL

Emma chuckles and leaves smiling and Ethan while Ethan just stays outside smiling until shes gone thinking to himself

Tom- Congratulations son, you have moved on from thotty to a new hottie

Prisha- Aye tom tryna sleep on the couch tonight

Grayson- and I- oop

Y/n- Hahaha , but congrats Ethan

Ethan- shes gorgeous

Grayson- Im happy for you, but them pancakes finna get cold cold if we don't start EATING


Prisha- this is why y'all are perfect for each other

Grayson- I know

Grayson grabs you and wraps you into a hug and pecks your forehead and y'all head to the corner to eat

"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now