Sleepover in our room

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skipp moving into the house because thats boring

Tom- aye y/n wheres e and briella

Y/n- in a room unpacking there stuff

Tom- Why are they sharing a room?

We all stopped and looked at each other and ran upstairs

Grayson- something yall wanna tell us

Briella- um actually yeah

Ethan- meet my girlfriend yall

ethan hugged briella from behind and y'all awed to there silly adorable couple hug

Prisha- enjoy the relationship why i have never had a boyfriend ever!

Tom- what? Your beautiful how have you never had one?

Prisha- I am not that pretty

Tom- are you kidding me (he moves her hair behind her ear ) your gorgeous prisha

Grayson- awe

Y/n hehe


You and Prisha get grayson and tom and ask them to do a sleepover with them since they can share the two beds in prisha and your room

Grayson- i am down

Tom- me two

Prisha- yayyy

You look to see ethan posted an instagram photo

ding*You look to see ethan posted an instagram photo

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Ethandolan- shes mine and I am hers

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I showed Grayson and he mumbles

Grayson- cant wait for that to be us

Y/n- what?

Grayson- I didnt say anything

Y/n- oh okay

You heard him anyways of course

Prisha- grayson go get popcorn so we can eat and play truth or dare

Grayson- but-

Y/n- run shes getting her shoe

Tom- sassy little girl

You laugh at them to flirting

Y/n- hey guys I need advice on gray

You explain what happened yesterday in the car

Prisha- yass mr and mrs dolan!!

Y/n- shhh

Tom- I suggest you go down there and tell him because he wont say anything while we are in here

Prisha- we will do the rest when we play truth or dare

Tom- bet

Tom put his arm around prisha

Tom- think of us as your gurdian angel couple savers

Y/n- couple you say

Tom- maybe

Tom looks and prisha and winks and she giggles

You run downstairs

Y/n- Mr dolan

Grayson- well hello ms y/l

You giggle and run up behind him and hold him

You giggle and run up behind him and hold him

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Y/n- so grayson we need to talk

Grayson- okay

he sounded worried

Y/n- come here

You singalled him to kneel down to your level

Grayson- yes

Y/n- last night in the car I wasnt asleep I heard you

You giggled and backed up to see a goofy smirk blushing shooked grayson infront of you and you darted off and he came following later on with the popcorn

You entered the room and winked at tom and prisha

Grayson entered the room

Tom- truth or dare time

You looked at grayson to see hims staring at you in aww you smirked and look at prisha

Prisha- let the games begin

"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now